Thanks in advance.
I have events from two different sources:
The first source (let's call it Source A) has the following fields in its events:
1. Name of job
2. Parent job
Source B:
1. Name of Job (Same as source A, but could be parent or child)
2. runTime
The run-time of the parent jobs can be broken down by the run-times of its child, but the correlation between parent and child can only be found in the first source.
I am stumped by this because the information is from two different sources. Any help will be appreciated!
Assuming you want to chart runtime of one parent job at a time . Try something like this:
source="B" [search source="A" parentJob="ParentJobNameYouWantPieChartFor" | stats count by jobName | table jobName]
| stats sum(runTime) as runTime by jobName
Other assumptions:
Assuming you want to chart runtime of one parent job at a time . Try something like this:
source="B" [search source="A" parentJob="ParentJobNameYouWantPieChartFor" | stats count by jobName | table jobName]
| stats sum(runTime) as runTime by jobName
Other assumptions:
I would like to create a pie chart of how the children run-times breakdown the parent's run-time
One parent, multiple children relationship. Children can't have children jobs.
Is this a single level relation?
Like, do all jobs belong to some parent job, and that's it? Or do some jobs have child jobs, and those have child jobs, and so on?
What is your question? What is your desired output?