I have a log event like this:
Timestamp: 1477292160453180 537
The number 1477292160453180
is the number of microseconds since the Epoch: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC). Which in this case comes out to January 1, 2016.
How do I perform this conversion from microseconds to a time unit in Splunk? Here's my current search:
* | rex field=_raw "Timestamp:\s(?<request_time>\d+)\s(?<response_time>\d+)" | eval stripped_time=strptime(request_time,"%s%3N")
But that's giving me a table of weirdly formatted stripped_time
Are you sure 1477292160453180 is milliseconds and not microseconds?
In any case, try the following instead:
| rex field=_raw "Timestamp:\s(?<request_time_secs>\d+)(?<request_time_microsecs>\d{6})\s(?<response_time>\d+)"
| eval request_time = toNumber(request_time_secs + "." + request_time_microsecs)
| fieldformat request_time = strftime(request_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N")
| eval _time = request_time
| stats count | fields - count
| eval request_time = 1477292160453180
| rex field=request_time "(?<request_time_secs>\d+)(?<request_time_microsecs>\d{6})"
| eval request_time = toNumber(request_time_secs + "." + request_time_microsecs)
| fieldformat request_time = strftime(request_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N")
| eval _time = request_time
Output (see picture below):
Are you sure 1477292160453180 is milliseconds and not microseconds?
In any case, try the following instead:
| rex field=_raw "Timestamp:\s(?<request_time_secs>\d+)(?<request_time_microsecs>\d{6})\s(?<response_time>\d+)"
| eval request_time = toNumber(request_time_secs + "." + request_time_microsecs)
| fieldformat request_time = strftime(request_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N")
| eval _time = request_time
| stats count | fields - count
| eval request_time = 1477292160453180
| rex field=request_time "(?<request_time_secs>\d+)(?<request_time_microsecs>\d{6})"
| eval request_time = toNumber(request_time_secs + "." + request_time_microsecs)
| fieldformat request_time = strftime(request_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N")
| eval _time = request_time
Output (see picture below):
This worked perfectly. And yes it was microseconds and not milliseconds. Thank you!
* | rex "Timestamp:\s(?<request_time>\d+)\s(?<response_time>\d+)" | eval stripped_time=strftime(request_time/1000,"%Y-%m-%d %T %z")
EDIT: Based on other comments:
* | rex "Timestamp:\s(?<request_time>\d+)\s(?<response_time>\d+)" | eval _time=request_time/1000 | timechart ...
beat me to it 😉
Hi johnbernal553,
what do you want as outputs: an epoch time or an human readable format?
with strptime you have an epochtime, to have an human readable time you must use strpftime.
But this isn't formatting the x-axis properly. Basically I want to have the days as a continuous timeline on the x-axis and the response times on the y-axis, which is the 537
in this case. So that I can see the response times of my application in the past X days.
I want to convert the milliseconds to a human readable date so that I can do ... | eval _time=stripped_time | timechart...
_time is not human readable, it's just that Splunk will make it so when you use it in a table. What you want is the _time field in epoch. ... | eval _time=request_time/1000 | timechart ...