Hi Team,
Got a request to configure a lookup called cmdb_ci_computer.csv that containing anything with subcategory of computer in a sourcetype=cmdb_ci_list? This should be configured under Splunk_TA_snow/local/savedsearch.conf.
Could please guide me how to create and configure this lookup.
thanks in advance.
Refer below doc and try to place lookup at specified position:
Hi Gurav, thanks for your inputs, but I had gone through this document and created the below steps, could please guide me whether steps are correct .
1) Create a empty csv file under Splunk_TA_snow/lookup/cmdb_ci_computer.csv
2) Create a Eventtype [snow_cmdb_ci_Computer]
search = sourcetype=snow:cmdb_ci_Computer
3) Map the eventtype in the /local/savedsearches.conf
[ServiceNow CMDB CI Computer]
disabled = 0
action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0
action.email.useNSSubject = 1
alert.track = 0
cron_schedule = 0 * * * *
description = Saved search which populates the CMDB CI Computer from ServiceNow
dispatch.earliest_time = 0
dispatch.latest_time = now
display.general.type = statistics
display.visualizations.show = 0
enableSched = 1
request.ui_dispatch_app = search
request.ui_dispatch_view = search
search = eventtype=snow_cmdb_ci_computer | dedup sys_id | fields - _bkt, _cd,_indextime,_kv,_raw,_serial,_si,_sourcetype,_subsecond, punct, index, source, sourcetype | inputlookup append=t cmdb_ci_computer_lookup | dedup sys_id | outputlookup cmdb_ci_computer_lookup
Do you want to create new lookup or use existing in query?
I want to use existing in the query
Hi Gurav, the below steps helped me to get the required output.
Procedure :
1) First executed a simple search command to filter the sourcetype containing only with the field values called Computer from the seleclted field=subcategory
sourcetype=snow:cmdb_ci_list subcategory=Computer
2) Created a Eventtype in the props.conf with the sourcetype=snow:cmdb_ci_list subcategory=Computer along with other exesisting eventtype in the Splunk_Ta_Snow app
Eventtype [snow_cmdb_ci_Computer]
search = sourcetype=snow:cmdb_ci_list subcategory=Computer
3) Created a Savedsearch query with the newly created eventtype to filter the events contains anything with subcategory of "Computer".
[ServiceNow CMDB CI SUB COMP List]
disabled = 0
action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0
action.email.useNSSubject = 1
alert.track = 0
cron_schedule = 0 * * * *
description = Saved search which populates the CMDB CI contains anything with subcategory of "Computer"
dispatch.earliest_time = 0
dispatch.latest_time = now
display.general.type = statistics
display.visualizations.show = 0
enableSched = 1
request.ui_dispatch_app = search
request.ui_dispatch_view = search
search = eventtype=snow_cmdb_ci_Computer | dedup sys_id | fields - _bkt, _cd,_indextime,_kv,_raw,_serial,_si,_sourcetype,_subsecond, punct, index, source, sourcetype | inputlookup append=t cmdb_ci_list_lookup | dedup sys_id | outputlookup cmdb_ci_list_lookup
4) After finishing with the above steps the app was pushed to the search head cluster environement via deployer.
./splunk apply shcluster-bundle --answer-yes -target https://splunkinstancename:8089 -auth admin:password
5) We are able to see the required output in splunk with the events containing the field values called Computer from the seleclted field=subcategory.
Hi All,
Can anyone throw me some lights on this, I want to know to how to configure a lookup in splunk_TA_servicenow.
Hi All,
Can anyone guide me on this
Hi All,
Any help will be much appreciated.