I am running 2 different Index and have to compare each value in field 1 from 1st index with the values in field2 from index 2 . & also regex is used for other field value. The display result should show a match or a Non Match against each value.
Given Data:
(index=cmi cef_vendor="Imperva Inc." cef_product="WAF" dvc="" act="None" cs2="*" deviceSeverity=High) OR (index=case_management DeviceProduct=WAF fname IN ("*CMI - WAF*"))
| rex field=fname "(-)(?(\s)(PROD|SFR)+(\s))(-)(?(\s)[\w]+(\s)[\w]+(\s))(?(\d)+(\s))(-)"
| eval m=coalesce(cn1,alert)
| stats values(cn1) as cn1 values(alert) as alert by m
| table cn1 alert m
Results should be something like this table:
cn1 alert m
453626 453626 Match
453624 453626 No Match
What results do you get from that query? How do those results differ from the desired results?
The coalesce function does not compare fields. Use if to do that.
| eval m = if(cn1==alert, "Match", "No Match")
Reply got from that query as below,
cn1 | alert | m |
4361101 | 4361101 | |
4361645 | 4361645 | |
4361645 | 4361645 | |
4361738 | 4361738 |
& as per your solution,
| eval m = if(cn1==alert, "Match", "No Match")
gives result as below,
cn1 | alert | m |
4369221 | No Match | |
4369135 | No Match | |
4369135 | No Match | |
4369418 | No Match |
want to Expected result Like this,
cn1 | alert | m |
4369221 | 4369221 | Match |
4369222 | 4369135 | No Match |
4369243 | 4369135 | No Match |
4369418 | No Match |