Splunk Search

How to compare/graph two searches?


Hello All -

I need to be able to compare/graph regression test results from two different models.  The search command to create a table for one of the searches is:

index="frontEnd" source="regress_rpt" pipeline="my_pipe" version="23ww10b" dut="*"  (testlist="*") (testName="*") status="*" | table cyclesPerCpuSec wall_hz testPath rpt

This returns a table with 6 rows (As there are 6 tests per version).

Is there a way to compare the cyclesPerCpuSec of this search to a new search which has a different version?


index="frontEnd" source="regress_rpt" pipeline="my_pipe" version="23ww10a" dut="*"  (testlist="*") (testName="*") status="*" | table cyclesPerCpuSec wall_hz testPath rpt




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1 Solution


Hi @Pip9ball 

Yes, the best way would be to transpose the output (switch columns and rows) and then diff the versions.  here's a run anywhere example using your result table example

| makeresults
| eval _raw="version test1 test2 test3 test4 test5
23ww10a 890.76 616.56 877.73 884.68 936.69
23ww10b 631.68 1400.73 659.00 741.34 742.44"
| multikv forceheader=1
| table version test*
``` ignore above - just creating dummy events ```
``` add the bit below to your search results ```
| transpose header_field=version column_name=test_run
| eval cycles_version_delta=('23ww10b' - '23ww10a')
,diff_percentage=round('cycles_version_delta'/'23ww10a' * 100, 1)
,status=if(diff_percentage < 10, "PASS", "FAIL")


If this answers your question, then please mark this with solution provided 

View solution in original post


Hi @Pip9ball 

Give this a go...

index="frontEnd" source="regress_rpt" pipeline="my_pipe" version IN("23ww10a", "23ww10b") dut="*"  (testlist="*") (testName="*") status="*" 
| timechart max(cyclesPerCpuSec) AS cyclesPerCpuSec BY version


Hope it helps

0 Karma


Thanks for the quick reply.


This appears to be partially working.  I'm only getting results for one of the tests.




Whereas my original search to generate the table is showing much more.


Sorry for marking it up so much, but there is some stuff I can't share.  Basically it should be comparing cyclesPerCpuSec on the same testPath name across the two version.  Perhaps it's because the fullpath in the testPath is non-unique?  

Is there a way to just extract and compare just the last element of the testPath?  This way the names will be the same.








0 Karma


Hi @Pip9ball 

Yeah, you can strip the the last element out and use that to group over time 

index="frontEnd" source="regress_rpt" pipeline="my_pipe" version IN("23ww10a", "23ww10b") dut="*"  (testlist="*") (testName="*") status="*" 
| eval lastTestPathElement=replace(testPath, ".*/" ,"")
| eval grouping=version.":".lastTestPathElement
| timechart
max(cyclesPerCpuSec) AS max:cyclesPerCpuSec
avg(cyclesPerCpuSec) AS avg:cyclesPerCpuSec
BY grouping

OR, if not interested in over time graph you can just chart the results

index="frontEnd" source="regress_rpt" pipeline="my_pipe" version IN("23ww10a", "23ww10b") dut="*"  (testlist="*") (testName="*") status="*" 
| eval lastTestPathElement=replace(testPath, ".*/" ,"")
| chart
max(cyclesPerCpuSec) AS max:cyclesPerCpuSec
avg(cyclesPerCpuSec) AS avg:cyclesPerCpuSec
BY version lastTestPathElement



@yeahnah - Thank you so much!

Is it possible to now perform some calculations on the results? 

The result of the search produces a table like:



What I'm trying to do is generate an alert if the test cyclesPerCpuSec increases by 10% from the latest version to the previous.

So is there a way to iterate over the table and do a comparison?

Thanks for all your help, Splunk is rather new to me 🙂


0 Karma


Hi @Pip9ball 

Yes, the best way would be to transpose the output (switch columns and rows) and then diff the versions.  here's a run anywhere example using your result table example

| makeresults
| eval _raw="version test1 test2 test3 test4 test5
23ww10a 890.76 616.56 877.73 884.68 936.69
23ww10b 631.68 1400.73 659.00 741.34 742.44"
| multikv forceheader=1
| table version test*
``` ignore above - just creating dummy events ```
``` add the bit below to your search results ```
| transpose header_field=version column_name=test_run
| eval cycles_version_delta=('23ww10b' - '23ww10a')
,diff_percentage=round('cycles_version_delta'/'23ww10a' * 100, 1)
,status=if(diff_percentage < 10, "PASS", "FAIL")


If this answers your question, then please mark this with solution provided 


@yeahnah - Thanks again for your help!  

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