I have a .csv file with 2 columns: IoC and added_timestamp
I did compare the data and I get a few matches, but what I want is to use just a portion of the .csv. Based on added_timestamp column I want to compare the IoC added in .csv in the last 7 days.
Can someone help me to accomplish this ?
Thank you in advance.
Assuming added_timestamp is already an epoch time stamp (otherwise you may need to also use strptime() to convert it to one)
.... some data
where action=allowed AND
[|inputlookup intelligence.csv
|where added_timestamp > relative_time(now(), "-7d")
|eval hash=indicator
|fields hash]
this is what I have:
.... some data
where action=allowed AND
[|inputlookup intelligence.csv
|eval hash=indicator
|fields hash]
That is working, but for example I don't want to compare hashes added 60 days a go. I want for example, hashes added in the last 7 days ..
Assuming added_timestamp is already an epoch time stamp (otherwise you may need to also use strptime() to convert it to one)
.... some data
where action=allowed AND
[|inputlookup intelligence.csv
|where added_timestamp > relative_time(now(), "-7d")
|eval hash=indicator
|fields hash]
It's working, but what if, for example I want data starting from 7 days ago till 30 days ago ?
Just change the where command to compare added_timestamp with two values
| where added_timestamp > relative_time(now(), "-30d") AND added_timestamp < relative_time(now(), "-7d")
is working, thank you so much 🙂
You could read the csv (with inputlookup) and then filter by comparing the added timestamp with 7 days prior to now.