I'm currently building a query that reports the top 10 urls of the top 10 users. Although my current query works, I would like a cleaner look.
index="zscaler" sourcetype="zscalernss-web" appclass!=Enterprise user!=unknown
| stats count by user, url
| sort 0 user -count
| streamstats count as standings by user
| where standings < 11
| eventstats sum(count) as total by category
| sort 0 -total user -count
The results look like this
user. url. count rank
john.doe@example.com. example.com. 100. 1
john.doe@example.com. facebook.com. 99. 2
john.doe@example.com. twitter.com. 98. 3
john.doe@example.com. google.com. 97. 4
john.doe@example.com. splunk.com. 96. 5
jane.doe@example.com. example.com. 100. 1
jane.doe@example.com. facebook.com. 99. 2
jane.doe@example.com. twitter.com. 98. 3
jane.doe@example.com. google.com. 97. 4
jane.doe@example.com. splunk.com. 96. 5
and so forth
I would like for i to look like this
user. url. count
john.doe@example.com. example.com. 100.
facebook.com. 99.
twitter.com. 98.
google.com. 97.
splunk.com. 96.
user. url. count
jane.doe@example.com. example.com. 100.
facebook.com. 99.
twitter.com. 98.
google.com. 97.
splunk.com. 96.
and so forth
I'm trying to run a similar query, but using src_ip instead of users. When I try the above queries it's giving me every src_ip instead of just the top 10.
Any suggestions on how to limit the search for just the top src_ip by top url?
I've been running something like this:
index=firewall | stats count by src_ip, url
| sort 0 src_ip -count
| streamstats count as standings by src_ip
| where standings < 11
| eventstats sum(count) as total by category
| sort 0 -total src_ip -count
This is a slightly different question - having said that, try something like this (assuming category should have been src_ip)
| stats count by src_ip, url
| sort 0 src_ip -count
| streamstats count as standings by src_ip
| where standings < 11
| eventstats sum(count) as total by src_ip
| sort 0 -total src_ip -count
| streamstats count(eval(standings=1)) as rank
| where rank < 11
| stats list(url) as url list(count) as count by user
Thanks, this worked