I need to use IP Address in iplocation, but O365 returns 2 different logs. one with "ClientIP" field and others with "ClientIPAddress" field.
The issue is that in the logs only one of them exist. If there was null value for one of them, then it would be easy, I would have just checked for null value.
Search looks like this:
|eval IPs= if(ClientIP "exists", ClientIP, ClientIPAddress)
|iplocation IPs
|stats ...
I can't do the "ClientIP exists" part. maybe this is not correct and other approach should be used. Does anyone know the solution?
Hi @avtandil,
there is a SPL function called isnull()
and isnotnull()
you can use these together with the if
function to check if fields/fieldvalues exist or not.
A solution to your problem could look like this:
| eval IP=if(isnotnull(ClientIP), ClientIP, ClientIPAddress)
Hi @avtandil,
there is a SPL function called isnull()
and isnotnull()
you can use these together with the if
function to check if fields/fieldvalues exist or not.
A solution to your problem could look like this:
| eval IP=if(isnotnull(ClientIP), ClientIP, ClientIPAddress)
Hi pyro_wood.
Thanks, I tried that yesterday and did not worked.
At last, I found that I had a fault in dedup function, it was not the eval function that was not working.
Thanks again.