I'm using advanced XML and I have two panels. One panel will have two submitButton modules with HiddenSearch modules inside it. So, that upon clicking a button the search gets executed and the chart will be displayed in the second panel. Now, if I click other button, it has to run the corresponding search and in the second panel the previous chart should be replaced by this new chart. How to do it?
I tried by putting searches inside button, but upon clicking two buttons the charts are showing one below the other in the second panel. The first chart is not getting replaced by the second, instead it is getting appended. Is there a way to solve it? and here is the code of my dashboard :
<view template="dashboard.html">
You can adapt the TabSwitcher example below to include arbitrary trees as children, including different searches.
No, not just the visualization of chart. The entire chart has to be changed (Search string etc).
What I'm trying to achieve is this. In the first panel, I have two radial gauges and below each gauge have a button. So, a radial gauge and a button. When I click on that button, the corresponding graph (chart over time) has to be loaded in the second panel.
That is the requirement. Now, when I click on a button the first time, the chart is loading in the second panel. Now, if I click on the button of another radial gauge its corresponding graph is getting appended below, instead of replacing.
Here's an example of how to use the TabSwitcher module:
<view isSticky="False" isVisible="true" onunloadCancelJobs="true" template="dashboard.html">
<label>Dynamic Charts</label>
<module name="AccountBar" layoutPanel="appHeader" />
<module name="AppBar" layoutPanel="appHeader" />
<module name="SideviewUtils" layoutPanel="appHeader" />
<module name="Message" layoutPanel="messaging">
<param name="filter">*</param>
<param name="maxSize">2</param>
<param name="clearOnJobDispatch">False</param>
<module name="Search" layoutPanel="panel_row1_col1" group="Chart" autoRun="True">
<param name="earliest">-7d@d</param>
<param name="search">
| metadata type=hosts index=_internal | stats sum(totalCount) as count | gauge count 0 100000 500000 1000000
<param name="latest">now</param>
<param name="group">Chart</param>
<module name="JobProgressIndicator">
<module name="TabSwitcher">
<param name="mode">independent</param>
<module name="HiddenChartFormatter" group="radialGauge">
<param name="chart">radialGauge</param>
<module name="JSChart" />
<module name="HiddenChartFormatter" group="fillerGauge">
<param name="chart">fillerGauge</param>
<module name="JSChart" />
Ah, you wanted to hide the tab labels - I don't think that's possible without customization, that'd defeat the purpose of tabs.
More generally, what's your use case / what are you trying to achieve? Based on the XML you posted I'm guessing you want to change the visualization of a chart dynamically?
I'm actually new to splunk and I'm learning it. So, don't know much about all the modules. If you could suggest me a way out, then it'll be great Martin. BTW, is it possible to have tab switcher without tabs on it, or some way to hide them. So, if we change the tabs in the background, in the front the user will look as if the graph is really changing.
You could do a third dummy panel without any content if hiding all panels doesn't exist.
No, I didn't. But, a Tab switcher without showing tab labels will help I guess. Is a tab switcher without showing showing tab labels possible?
Have you taken a look at the TabSwitcher module?