I have a timechart graph in which I have put an overlay to represent the max allowed value of used HDD space. Can I change this ONE LINE to be dashed, or at least a single bolder color than the rest?
i'm not sure you can change it to be dashed, but you should be able to change the color using the charting.fieldColors option. You should be able to use the field name and then it uses a hexadecimal color value. It might be the charting.seriesColors option, though, too.
Try the following:
<option name="charting.lineDashStyle">dashDot </option>
Following are various option for series style:
(dashDot | dot | longDash | longDashDot | longDashDotDot | shortDash | shortDot | shortDashDot | solid)
Refer to the following documentation: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Viz/ChartConfigurationReference
That changes all lines, unfortunately
Yes since it affects all Line series, I usually try creating chart as Column. So, only overlaid field is line and remaining are column. I do use fieldColors and seriesColor for all the series to have differnt prominence.
Anyone know how to edit just one line rather than all lines using charting.lineDashStyle?
Yes. Use the charting.fieldDashStyles
option. Tested in Splunk 7.3.0:
<option name="charting.fieldDashStyles">{"fieldname": "dash"}</option>
I wish there were a corresponding fieldLineWidths
i'm not sure you can change it to be dashed, but you should be able to change the color using the charting.fieldColors option. You should be able to use the field name and then it uses a hexadecimal color value. It might be the charting.seriesColors option, though, too.
How did I miss that?1 I was too focused on seriesColors.