Splunk Search

How to calculate time difference when the zone changes from one zone to another zone based on last "off " value?

Loves-to-Learn Everything
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0 Karma

| eval time_off=if(message=="off",_time,null())
| filldown time_off
| eval diff=if(def=="Changed",_time-time_off,null())
0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Everything
 when i am using above query, it is showing more than one day like 142665.362 seconds and also it is showing negative time like -4321580.332 seconds, but when i am checking manually the difference is maximum1day why its showing that much difference(seconds).






0 Karma


You haven't provided sufficient information in your screen grabs to be able to determine why you are getting those results.

Having said that, the assumption made by the search is that all the events are in ascending _time order (which they appear to be in your graphic). If this is not the case, please provide a more accurate description of your usecase.

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Loves-to-Learn Everything


|rex field=_raw "(?<message>OFF.*)|((?<sensor>Battery).*?(?<zone>\w+_ZONE))"
|eval Device_ID=mvindex(split(source,"/"),5)
|table Device_ID _time message sensor zone
|where isnotnull(sensor) OR isnotnull(zone) OR isnotnull(message)
|sort 0 Device_ID _time
|streamstats current=f last(_time) as last_time1 last(zone) as last_zone by Device_ID
|eval timestamp=strftime(last_time1,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
|eval def=case(zone="INTERVENTION_ZONE" AND last_zone="SAFE_ZONE","Changed",zone="SAFE_ZONE" AND last_zone="INTERVENTION_ZONE","Changed",zone="LOWER_THRESHOLD_ZONE" AND last_zone="UPPER_THRESHOLD_ZONE","Changed")
|eval time_off=if(message=="OFF",_time,null())
|filldown time_off
| eval diff=if(def=="Changed",_time-time_off,null())
| chart sum(diff) by Device_ID, sensor


This is the query I have tried.


Grouped bar plot showing the proportion/amount of time an individual handset's systems spends within each Thermal zone.

X axis - Thermal zone  (different zones)

Y axis - proportion/amount of time spent in Thermal zone "x"
Grouping - System being tracked (list of systems to the left)

Include ability to filter/search for which device ID is being shown. I envision only one device able to be shown at once.
Also want to be able to filter data by timeframe and/or ability to select individual inspections / boot cycles

0 Karma


The _time you have displayed does not match the last_time1 or time_off in the corresponding events i.e. last_time1 and time_off are in 2022, whereas _time is in 2000. Please can you clarify what is actually in your events and exactly what SPL you used to generate the table in the graphic?

0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Everything

actually I have attached sample. You can consider year as "2002" instead of 2000.


|rex field=_raw "(?<message>OFF.*)|((?<sensor>Battery).*?(?<zone>\w+_ZONE))"
|eval Device_ID=mvindex(split(source,"/"),5)
|table Device_ID _time message sensor zone
|where isnotnull(sensor) OR isnotnull(zone) OR isnotnull(message)
|sort 0 Device_ID _time
|streamstats current=f last(_time) as last_time1 last(zone) as last_zone by Device_ID
|eval timestamp=strftime(last_time1,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
|eval def=case(zone="INTERVENTION_ZONE" AND last_zone="SAFE_ZONE","Changed",zone="SAFE_ZONE" AND last_zone="INTERVENTION_ZONE","Changed",zone="LOWER_THRESHOLD_ZONE" AND last_zone="UPPER_THRESHOLD_ZONE","Changed")
|eval time_off=if(message=="OFF",_time,null())
|filldown time_off
| eval diff=if(def=="Changed",_time-time_off,null())
| chart sum(diff) by Device_ID, sensor


0 Karma


OK, ignoring the graphic since the dates are clearly wrong, try something like this

|rex field=_raw "(?<message>OFF.*)|((?<sensor>Battery).*?(?<zone>\w+_ZONE))"
|eval Device_ID=mvindex(split(source,"/"),5)
|table Device_ID _time message sensor zone
|where isnotnull(sensor) OR isnotnull(zone) OR isnotnull(message)
|sort 0 Device_ID _time
|streamstats current=f last(zone) as last_zone by Device_ID
|eval def=case(zone="INTERVENTION_ZONE" AND last_zone="SAFE_ZONE","Changed",zone="SAFE_ZONE" AND last_zone="INTERVENTION_ZONE","Changed",zone="LOWER_THRESHOLD_ZONE" AND last_zone="UPPER_THRESHOLD_ZONE","Changed")
|eval time_off=if(message=="OFF",_time,null())
|streamstats current=f last(time_off) as last_time_off by Device_ID
| eval diff=if(def=="Changed",_time-last_time_off,null())
| chart sum(diff) by Device_ID, sensor
0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Everything

to capture the proportion of time the device spends within each temperature zone. The way you could calculate this is by taking the difference between the timestamps indicating changes to different temp zones. Then, we will have the proportion of time the different locations (battery, etc.) spent at each temp zone (proportions add up to 1 for each individual device). So this would be interesting to see if there are devices that spend an uncharacteristically high amount of time in the “failsafe” zone, and things of that sort.

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