I have the following output:
"ACME Enterprises","227671","bugs.bunny@acme.com","","","2016-10-01","14:18:11","Entertainment","Test"
I wanted to calculate today's date minus the date in the output (2016-06-30) and table like so:
ACME Enterprises, 2016-06-30, 6
Any help would be great.
You need to use epoch
times and the relative_time
command with -60d
...|convert mktime(_time) as time|eval days=round((now()-time)/86400,0)
possibly something like this. mktime converts human readable to epoch, then using that to subtract from the current timestamp and dividing by the seconds in a day, that should give you total days.
There is no built-in function to subtract dates. You must first convert both dates into epoch form, do the calculation, then convert the result into readable form.
... | eval eDate = strptime(<your date field>,"%Y/%m/%d") | eval days = (now() - eDate)/86400 | table foo, <your date field>, days
index=xyz| eval OldTime = relative_time(now(),"-60d") | table OldTime timestamp | eval OldTime=strftime(OldTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
This should work @balleste
Not very sure if I understood your question. You want to take 07/Oct - 01/Oct and receive 30/Jun??