Give this a try (and may be post your question as text instead of picture next time😁 )
Your Base search
| where status="Received" OR status="Success"
| stats count(eval(status="Received")) as Received count(eval(status="Success")) as Success by sourceNodeCode labelType
| eval SuccessRate=round((Success*100)/ Received,2)
| stats list(labelType) as labelType list(Received) as GenerationCount list(SuccessRate) as "SuccessRate%" by sourceNodeCode
Thank you very much @ITWhisperer @somesoni2 both the queries are working fine
Give this a try (and may be post your question as text instead of picture next time😁 )
Your Base search
| where status="Received" OR status="Success"
| stats count(eval(status="Received")) as Received count(eval(status="Success")) as Success by sourceNodeCode labelType
| eval SuccessRate=round((Success*100)/ Received,2)
| stats list(labelType) as labelType list(Received) as GenerationCount list(SuccessRate) as "SuccessRate%" by sourceNodeCode