I am getting requests by host (if we have 20 hosts) then i have 20 values. Now i want to calculate the percentage delta for each host with the average number of requests for all the host. So i got the average hosts for all the hosts and using stats i got the requests per each host. But now how do i calculate percentage delta for each host. Here is the query i have.
i have eval RequestsPctDelta = ((RequestPerHost-AverageRequests)/AverageRequests)*100
but i need somekind of for loop so that i get the RequestsPctDelta for each host? any suggestions would help a lot. Thank you.
| stats count as requests | eval AverageRequests= requests/20 | stats count as RequestPerHost by host | eval RequestsPctDelta = ((RequestPerHost-AverageRequests)/AverageRequests)*100 | table RequestsPctDelta
Something like this?
base search | stats count by host | eventstats avg(count) as avg | eval delta = ((count/avg-1)*100)."%"
Something like this?
base search | stats count by host | eventstats avg(count) as avg | eval delta = ((count/avg-1)*100)."%"
Thank you so much Marti. This is what i wanted.