I would like to get help on applying stats on the following JSON data:
I started writing the query as written below, but it doesn't give desired result. split function is grouping same values of nativeResponseSent and nativeRequestReceived together.
input data | rename data.myList{}.* as * | eval mvfield=mvzip($id$,mvzip($nativeResponseSent$,$nativeRequestReceived$)) | fields mvfield | mvexpand mvfield | eval mvfield=split(mvfield,",") | eval id=mvindex(mvfield,0) | eval nativeResponseSent=mvindex(mvfield,1) | eval nativeRequestReceived=mvindex(mvfield,2) | stats sum(nativeResponseSent) sum(nativeRequestReceived) by id
@developer_de, what is the desired output? Following is the output I get when I try the following run anywhere search with the data similar to that provided by you.
id nativeResponseSent nativeRequestReceived
180528_090129 3 1
180528_090203 1 2
Following is the run anywhere search with dummy data as per the question:
| makeresults
| eval _raw="{
| spath
| rename data.myList{}.* as *
| eval mvfield=mvzip(id,mvzip(nativeResponseSent,nativeRequestReceived))
| fields - _*
| fields mvfield
| mvexpand mvfield
| makemv mvfield delim=","
| eval id=mvindex(mvfield,0), nativeResponseSent=mvindex(mvfield,1), nativeRequestReceived=mvindex(mvfield,2)
| fields - mvfield
| stats sum(nativeResponseSent) as nativeResponseSent sum(nativeRequestReceived) as nativeRequestReceived by id
@developer_de, what is the desired output? Following is the output I get when I try the following run anywhere search with the data similar to that provided by you.
id nativeResponseSent nativeRequestReceived
180528_090129 3 1
180528_090203 1 2
Following is the run anywhere search with dummy data as per the question:
| makeresults
| eval _raw="{
| spath
| rename data.myList{}.* as *
| eval mvfield=mvzip(id,mvzip(nativeResponseSent,nativeRequestReceived))
| fields - _*
| fields mvfield
| mvexpand mvfield
| makemv mvfield delim=","
| eval id=mvindex(mvfield,0), nativeResponseSent=mvindex(mvfield,1), nativeRequestReceived=mvindex(mvfield,2)
| fields - mvfield
| stats sum(nativeResponseSent) as nativeResponseSent sum(nativeRequestReceived) as nativeRequestReceived by id
It works fine .. thanks !!
@developer_de I have converted my comment to answer. Please accept to mark this as answered.