Hi all,
I've been struggling to extract certain values from application logs and assign them to the given field name. As I don't know how to use or write regular expression in splunk, I need help to write a query to get the desired output. Here is my base search query:
https://www.myapplication.com/myapi/version5/autofill/ "ERROR"
here is the output log:
"ERROR" "store.view.app.api.controller.myClientLoggingController" "viewhost02" "myview2_2" <> "catalina-exec-7" "requestId=d4s6666-9d6e-2c0g-7c20-6e9f7wfa7f6" <> "clientIp=" "store.view.app.api.controller.myClientLoggingController.logError(?:?):My-AngularApp
NOTE: in above log I have replaced the brackets <> with quotes ""
Now I want to extract the "requestId", "clientIp" and "My-AngularApp" and assign them to field name as "Req_ID", "Cust_IP" and "App_Name" respectively.
Can someone please help with the query to achieve the desired output, as I always struggle with REX syntax and can't write the query by my own.
Thank you in advance.
Here's a stab at it. You'll be better served by not substituting elements of your log except to obfuscate sensitive data. I worked with what you have, which means it may not work as-is but this should give you a pattern to follow.
<(?<log_level>[^>]+)>\s+<(?<class>[^>]+)>\s+<(?<hostname>[^>]+)>\s+<(?<viewname>[^>]+)>\s+<(?<unknown1>[^>].)?>\s+<(?<exec_process>[^>]+)>\s+<requestId=(?<Req_ID>[^>]+)>\s+<(?<unknown2>[^>]+)?>\s+<clientIp=(?<Cust_IP>[^\"]+)\">\"(?<log_class>[^:].+):(?<App_Name>[^\ ]+)
Regex101 link: https://regex101.com/r/FX8lkQ/1
I restored the angle brackets to make it easier for helpers to create a regex for you. Please edit the question to correct any mistakes I may have made.
Are you familiar with regex101.com? It's a great web site for testing regular expressions.