I want to count the number of events returned based on application source and display them as different timecharts. I realized appendcols only appends two timecharts and it is rather inefficient as many terms are repeated. For example, host, errorguid etc. Is there a way for me to append the third chart "TalentAnalyzer" as well?
earliest=-1d@d latest=@d host=NETWEBA* sourcetype="WinEventLog:Application" AND ApplicationSource="/api/tcrm*" AND "ErrorGUID" | timechart span=1h count AS "Api.TCRM" | appendcols [search earliest=-1d@d latest=@d host=NETWEBA* sourcetype="WinEventLog:Application" AND ApplicationSource="/jcm*" AND "ErrorGUID" | timechart span=1h count AS "JCM" ] | appendcols [search earliest=-1d@d latest=@d host=NETWEBA* sourcetype="WinEventLog:Application" AND ApplicationSource="/TalentAnalyzer*" AND "ErrorGUID" | timechart span=1h count AS "TalentAnalyzer" ]
Hi @lsy9891,
Try something like this instead of using appeds :
earliest=-1d@d latest=@d host=NETWEBA* sourcetype="WinEventLog:Application" "ErrorGUID" ( ApplicationSource="/api/tcrm*" OR ApplicationSource="/TalentAnalyzer*" ApplicationSource="/jcm*")
| eval App= case(match(ApplicationSource,"/api/tcrm*"),"Api.TCRM", match(ApplicationSource,"/jcm*"),"JCM",match(ApplicationSource,"/TalentAnalyzer*"),"TalentAnalyzer")
| timechart span=1h count by App
Let me know if that helps.
I tried that query and it returns 0 events?
There is a missing OR between app source of jcm and talentanalyzer
Why does talentanalyzer appear as Null in the graph?
I realized it's because it returns 0 events for the time frame. Can it still display as "Talentanalyzer" even if it returns 0 events.
Hey hey,
Glad it worked out for you, have you tried fillnull to add zeros to null values ? That should help fix your remaining issue.