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How to aggregate percentage information in pie chart labels?

Path Finder

I would like to aggregate the % info in the pie labels, so it will read:

"OK (77%)" instead of OK
"ERRORS (23%)" instead of ERRORS

Is there any straightforward way to do it?

1 Solution


I don't know of a way. I believe the percentage is calculated within the charting JS, so you're not going to achieve anything within the search... and I don't see any setting to configure the rounding behaviour. The browser locale seems to be passed to the percentage formatting code, but I don't see how that would have a lot of sway over the number of decimal points. Additionally, changing the locale for this would probably cause more issues elsewhere than would be solved here.

0 Karma

Path Finder

Any way to round the % ? It's showing 3 decimal places and I would like to chop them.... something like| eval internalperc=round(internalperc,0)

0 Karma


Path Finder

Hi @martin_mueller, do you know if can we show de value inside the slice?

0 Karma


You should ask this as a new question. Not only will you get the attention a new question deserves and not pollute two-year-old other questions with varying potentially version-specific info, but also make it easier for others to find what they need.

Off the top of my head I don't think the built-in pie charts have an option to move the labels to the inside of the pie, but you're always free to build a custom visualization and publish that as an app on splunkbase 🙂

Path Finder

Sorry for the dumb question but where is this file that needs to be modified ?

0 Karma

New Member

Check Edit Source when you are in a Dashboard.
<option name="charting.chart.showPercent"> 1</option>

0 Karma

Path Finder

Great! tks.

0 Karma
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