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How to add multiple duration from multiple independent transactions


So I am running multiple single valued transactions and putting the values in eval keywords, but I want to add all these new values to get the total value (duration1+duration2+....) and show it in another panel. Here is my following transactions I am running. They are all run separate inside a single row

index=main host=host1 | transaction startswith="keyword1" endswith="keyword1_ending" | eval keyword1_duration = duration | stats sum(keyword1_duration)
index=main host=host1 | transaction startswith="keyword2" endswith="keyword2_ending" | eval keyword2_duration = duration | stats sum(keyword2_duration)

how do I add these values ? Do I have to define a token on each block to use that value across panels ?

0 Karma
1 Solution

Revered Legend

If you're using Splunk 6.3 and above, something like this would work. (Update the queries accourdingly). (Run Anywhere sample)

        <title>Sourcetype count</title>
          <query>index=_internal | stats dc(sourcetype) as sourcetypes</query>
            <set token="sourcetypes">$result.sourcetypes$</set>
          <query>index=_internal | stats dc(source) as sources</query>
            <set token="sources">$result.sources$</set>
        <title>Sourcetypes + Source</title>
          <query>| gentimes start=-1 | eval sourcetypes="$sourcetypes$" | eval sources="$sources$" | eval all=sourcetypes+sources | table all</query>

View solution in original post

Revered Legend

If you're using Splunk 6.3 and above, something like this would work. (Update the queries accourdingly). (Run Anywhere sample)

        <title>Sourcetype count</title>
          <query>index=_internal | stats dc(sourcetype) as sourcetypes</query>
            <set token="sourcetypes">$result.sourcetypes$</set>
          <query>index=_internal | stats dc(source) as sources</query>
            <set token="sources">$result.sources$</set>
        <title>Sourcetypes + Source</title>
          <query>| gentimes start=-1 | eval sourcetypes="$sourcetypes$" | eval sources="$sources$" | eval all=sourcetypes+sources | table all</query>


Great this works! How do I put default value of tokens to zero ?

0 Karma

Revered Legend

Try replacing | eval all=sourcetypes+sources with | eval all=coalesce(sourcetypes+sources,0) in 3rd panel search.

0 Karma


Can an event have more than one keyword (start or end)?

0 Karma
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