Splunk Search

How to add final total count of results without adding another column?

Path Finder

I can't seem to figure out a way to add a bottom row for a total count of results (records) to the end of the results without adding another column for a count and then totaling that column. There must be an easier way.

I can't use |stats count which is the number I'm looking for because that suppresses the details of the results.
Using |stats count by ....(all my fields needed in output) works but it adds an unwanted column for the count. If I try to use |fields - count that breaks the total count.

I know there must be a way for this - please help!

0 Karma


You could just append a stats count search to your current search. Its not as efficient as the above suggestions but might work as a quick fix if the above is too complicated. A little frustrating that you have to do the same search twice though ...

your_base_search | table field1, field2 | append [ your_base_search | stats count | eval field1="TOTAL EVENTS" | rename count AS field2 ]

An alternative would be to create a count column but then remove it by adding the total count and label to one of your other columns:

your_base_search | eval count=1 | addcoltotals labelfield=field1 label="TOTAL EVENTS" | eval field2=if(field1="TOTAL EVENTS",count,field2) | fields - count


Try using Splunk commands addcoltotals or addtotals as per your need. Refer to following Splunk documentations:

Also with latest Splunk Enterprise 6.5 version this feature is inbuilt in UI for tables being printed. Once a table is saved as Dashaboard panel turning on Summary>Totals prints the column totals.

| makeresults | eval message= "Happy Splunking!!!"
0 Karma

Path Finder

ok ... I don't have a need to total columns of numbers so this wouldn't apply. I know I can add a column to my output for the sake of using one of these functions but I don't want to add a column that displays a '1' for every record just so I can get a grand total count at the bottom.

0 Karma


I have edited my answer, you can try using $job.resultCount$ and print anywhere in the panel you like. In Splunk 6.x Dashaborad Examples code, it has been added as Panel Title. Please check and see if it solves your problem.

| makeresults | eval message= "Happy Splunking!!!"
0 Karma

Path Finder

wowzers ... I'm not even sure how to incorporate that into my simple dashboard 🙂 There must be a simpler way to get the same result such as with an |appendpipe or some other feature.

0 Karma


This is Simple XML example, so it does not require you to add additional css/js ot HTML code. You can refer to Splunk 6.x Dashboard Examples app for details. Just edit source of your existing code and place job.resultCount related code in Chart <title> , <search><progress> and <search><cancelled>. The progress event sets the token sourcetype_count (could be any variable name). Cancelled event resets the token and Title section uses the token. (It is not that tough as it seems :))

PS: Splunk itself uses the same variable for knowing whether Search returned result or not. For example N/A being displayed when search returns not result.

Other options if you do not want to use job.resultCount would be

1) Use accum : ... |eval sno=0 | sno=sno+1 | accum sno| ...

2) Enable Row Number: Edit Panel, Choose Edit Table option and Under General settings set Row Numbers as Yes.

| makeresults | eval message= "Happy Splunking!!!"
0 Karma


Oh I now understand. You might have to use $job.resultCount$ property for **** event and then assign it to a token to be used later in your Panel as HTML.

Check Search Result Setter in Splunk 6.x Dashboard Examples

        <title>Top sourcetypes ($sourcetype_count$ total sourcetypes)</title>
          <query>index=_internal |  top sourcetype</query>
          <!-- Use the following search events to access job properties, and set tokens that can be accessible throughout the page -->
          <!-- Progress event has access to job properties only (not first result row) -->
            <set token="sourcetype_count">$job.resultCount$</set>
            <unset token="sourcetype_count"></unset>
        <option name="charting.chart">bar</option>
        <option name="charting.legend.placement">none</option>
| makeresults | eval message= "Happy Splunking!!!"


Excellent. This works like a charm. 
With this solution, we can show the number of returned results outside a XML table.
Great. Thank you.

0 Karma

Super Champion

can you just add |addcoltotals

Path Finder

No, that only totals up columns. I have no column to total that will give a total count.

0 Karma
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