Splunk Search

How to add an average transaction duration overlay to a timechart with a split by clause?



My search looks like this:
| transaction TransID keepevicted=true | search eventcount=2 | timechart limit=0 span=1m max(duration) by host

Trying to add an average transaction duration overlay (global not by host) to the chart by adding to the search term: "| eventstats avg(max(duration)) as average | eval average=round(average,0)" and selecting "average" as the overlay value. The overlay is blank.

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1 Solution


Your search is shooting blanks because there is no field duration in the results of your timechart. Try this:

... | timechart ... by host | eval _count = 0 | foreach * [eval _count = _count + 1] | addtotals fieldname=_total | eval average = _total / _count

Configure the chart to overlay the field average.

View solution in original post


Your search is shooting blanks because there is no field duration in the results of your timechart. Try this:

... | timechart ... by host | eval _count = 0 | foreach * [eval _count = _count + 1] | addtotals fieldname=_total | eval average = _total / _count

Configure the chart to overlay the field average.


Heh. A little walk-through: You have fields named after your hosts, so you can't access one field called duration. Calculating an average is the same as calculating a sum and a count, then dividing the two. That's what I'm doing here:

  • set up the counter
  • count how many fields (hosts) you have
  • sum up the values
  • divide the two

All that is done with _fieldnames starting with an underscore, so there's no need to hide them using fields - _count _total because the chart doesn't see them anyway... yeah, I'm lazy.


Laziness in success drives efficiency.


Thanks for the quick response. Not sure how this works, but it does.

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