I would like to associate the "ip" field with every log line, i.e. Current source log format: 1227.125106.091263 ip=0xAABBCCDD 1227.125106.091264 X=7524.9 1227.125106.091265 X=11033.4 1227.125106.091266 Y=11357.4 1227.125606.116667 ip=0xBBCCDDEE 1227.125606.116668 X=7414.8 1227.125606.116669 X=11055.9 1227.125606.116670 Y=9739.3 (there are additional junk fields, and additional junk lines beteween the lines above, in the actual logs) My preferred log format for Splunking: 1227.125106.091263 ip=0xAABBCCDD, X=7524.9 1227.125106.091263 ip=0xAABBCCDD, X=11033.4 1227.125106.091263 ip=0xAABBCCDD, Y=11357.4 1227.125606.116667 ip=0xBBCCDDEE, X=7414.8 1227.125606.116667 ip=0xBBCCDDEE, X=11055.9 1227.125606.116667 ip=0xBBCCDDEE, Y=9739.3 So do I do something like this? What do I specify in place of "????" below? ...search... | "ip" OR "X" OR "Y" | append [????] | ... Or like this? ...search... | "ip" OR "X" OR "Y" | strcat ???? | ...
If your real goal is to be able to search on any combination of IP/X/Y, then I think you can support that by using the splunk transaction command. That wouldn't change the raw text of your lines (which isn't really Splunk's bag so to speak), but does allow you to search upon data that might be spread across lines as well as viewing them grouped together.
Using a transaction, you could search against X=7524.9 and see the associated IP and Y values, or use ip=0xBBCCDDEE and see the associated X and Y values, etc.
I have a similar question but need a report instead of changing the raw data
ip X/Y
0xAABBCCDD 7524.9
0xAABBCCDD 11033.4
0xAABBCCDD 11357.4
0xBBCCDDEE 7524.9
Is there a way to generate a report?