Hello there! I am trying to build a Splunk alert to detect Pass the Hash. In another post it was recommended to try using the searches below. I tested out the searches but they yield some false positives. I wanted to re-post here and see if anyone has any other other recommendations besides the searches below?
index=wineventlog EventCode=4624 Logon_Type=9 Authentication_Package=Negotiate Logon_Process=seclogo
index=wineventlog Logon_Process=Seclogo Logon_Type!=2
working on the same thing, just want to share some ideas.
index=wineventlog EventCode=4624 Logon_Type=9 Authentication_Package=Negotiate Logon_Process=seclogo
index=wineventlog Logon_Process=Seclogo Logon_Type!=2
I recommend you read this first:
According to this article, you can see the "logon_type=9"and "Logon_Process=seclogo" will show up in the event log of the source host.
I did some PTH POC and I agree with this article.
Imagine a users laptop was compromised, he is trying PTH everywhere in your network.
Usually we don't collect wineventlog on a laptop right? So this rule won't fire in this scenario.
My observation is, if a PTH is success in your network, you will see 3 winevent log on the target host at the SAME TIME (eventcode=4672+eventcode=4624+eventcode=5140)
Try write a search based on this idea?
The defect is, the rule will fire only when the PTH is already success, can't detection PTH attempt.
That's all i have man...Please let me know your method if this is been resolved!
for (eventcode=4672+eventcode=4624+eventcode=5140) occurs same time
index=wineventlog (EventCode=4624 OR EventCode=4624 OR EventCode=5140) Authentication_Package=Negotiate
| eval time = _time
| bin span=1s time
| stats dc(EventCode) as EventCode_count by host time
| rename time as _time
| where EventCode_count =3
<Query Id="0" Path="Security">
<Select Path="Security">
<Query Id="0" Path="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational">
<Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational">
*[EventData[Data[@Name='GrantedAccess'] and (Data='0x1010' or Data='0x1038')]]
Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational is necessary when considering from the cited article.
Hello! Is this syntax something I need to add to my inputs.conf or what? I am not 100% clear where to implement this... thanks!
This is an XPATH query written on HP.
Therefore, it cannot be used as it is.
If you have the sourcetype XmlWinEventLog: Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon / Operational ,