Lets say I have a query that returns all of the updates for a given bug ID. This returns a result set for the specified ID with timestamps for when each modification took place on the bug
index=bugs id=123
There are one or more fields that can change during each update(event)
I want a table that returns: _time, field_modified, modified_value(diff from previous event)
In the case of multiple fields changing in a single update, the output could be similar to using the stats(values) or list command.
Something like this aircode should work. Test first on a very small amount of data, for example, a few records each with two different keys.
your search that gets the various records
| rename COMMENT as "Sort into key and time order"
| sort 0 YourKeyFields _time
| rename COMMENT as "Rename the fields so they can be identified automatically"
| rename * as *_New
| rename COMMENT as "Put the keys back where they are supposed to be"
| rename YourKeyFields_New as YourKeyFIelds
| rename COMMENT as "Copy the fields forward by key"
| streamstats current=f last(*_New) as *_Old by YourKeyFields
| rename COMMENT as "Compare the fields and delete all that have not changed or are not present"
| foreach *_New [
eval <<MATCHSTR>>_Changed = case( <<FIELD>> == <<MATCHSTR>_Old,null(), isnull( <<MATCHSTR>>_Old ), null(), true() "Yep")
| eval <<MATCHSTR>>_Old = case( <<MATCHSTR>>_Changed == "Yep", <<MATCHSTR>>_Old )
| eval <<MATCHSTR>>_New = case( <<MATCHSTR>>_Changed == "Yep", <<MATCHSTR>>_New )
After you've verified that the above does work, you can optionally add a line that deletes *_Changed
and/or a line that renames *_New
back to *
Updated to correct <<MATCH>>
Thanks, however I am not sure how the following is supposed to work
| rename COMMENT as "Put the keys back where they are supposed to be"
| rename YourKeyFIelds_New as YourKeyFIelds
| rename COMMENT as "Copy the fields forward by key"
| streamstats current=f last(*_New) as *_Old by YourKeyFIelds
When I rename my fields back, the streamstats has nothing to compare as there now are now no *New fields in the data.
@smahone11 -
Here's a run-anywhere sample that does what the code above was intended to do.
As well, we've modified the code posted above to fix some minor syntax errors.
index=_audit action=add | head 10
| rename COMMENT as "Sort into key and time order"
| sort 0 action _time
| table _time action date_s*
| rename COMMENT as "Rename the fields so they can be identified automatically"
| rename * as *_New
| rename COMMENT as "Put the keys back where they are supposed to be"
| rename action_New as action
| rename COMMENT as "Copy the fields forward by key"
| streamstats current=f last(*_New) as *_Old by action
| rename COMMENT as "Compare the fields and delete all that have not changed or are not present"
| foreach *_New [
eval <<MATCHSTR>>_Changed = case( <<MATCHSTR>>_New == <<MATCHSTR>>_Old, null(), isnull( <<MATCHSTR>>_Old ), null(), true(),"yep")
| eval <<MATCHSTR>>_New = case( <<MATCHSTR>>_Changed == "yep", <<MATCHSTR>>_New)
| eval <<MATCHSTR>>_Old = case( <<MATCHSTR>>_Changed == "yep", <<MATCHSTR>>_Old)
Can we have some sample events which shows how the changed values are logged?
Well basically, its as easy as the following
Taking the following event fields returned
timestamp, id, priority, assigned, team, status
(example return)
9/17/2018 8:57:00, 524441, 1, triage, web, new
9/17/2018 9:57:00, 524441, 1, tim, service, open
9/17/2018 10:57:00, 524441, 2, tim, service, open
9/17/2018 11:57:00, 524441, 2, tim, service, in_progress
9/17/2018 12:57:00, 524441, 2, joe, service, closed
I would like to display as
_time, modified_field, new_value
9/17/2018 9:57:00, id, 524441
priority, 1
assigned, triage
team, web
status, new
9/17/2018 9:57:00, assigned, tim
team, service
status, open
9/17/2018 10:57:00......etc.