How do you calculate the difference between two specific values in the same field and return that value in a percent format? I then need to be able to timechart that percentage difference over time, for my example this would be
conversion rate % span 1h
I've seen a few eval calculation example but none that gave me the output I'm looking for
index=example event="Entered Site" OR event="Checkout"
| top event
| eval percent = round(percent, 2)
Is it like this?
index=example event="Entered Site" OR event="Checkout"
| timechart span=1h count(eval(event="Entered Site")) as Entered,count(eval(event="Checkout")) as Checkout
| eval percent=round(Checkout/Entered,2)
| table _time,percent
@HiroshiSatoh I'm trying to essentially reproduce the graph below that I have in an application called Mixpanel. I've onboarded the data to Splunk and the field I'm looking to visualization is called "event". In the event there are values called "App Opened" and "Product Checkout Began". I would like to know how you can calculate the % of Product Checkout Began from the total of App Opened and then timechart that % over time. For Example what is my conversion rate % per hour.
The answer was corrected.
Is it like this?
index=example event="Entered Site" OR event="Checkout"
| timechart span=1h count(eval(event="Entered Site")) as Entered,count(eval(event="Checkout")) as Checkout
| eval percent=round(Checkout/Entered,2)
| table _time,percent