I am receiving Syslog data from the firewall and I would like to send a subset of it to the nullQueue.
The issue I am having is that I have two set values (action and srcip) but 6 values for the destination.
The formats of the fields of the raw data are -
action="deny" scrip= dstip=
The regex I have come up with is:
What happens is that the "|" acts as an "or" so I will be dumping too much information.
My question is what is the format to place in transforms.conf to filter out the events to be dropped?
Hi @scottrunyon,
it's not clear for me if you want to discard the events whereall the three conditions are true ( action="deny" scrip= dstip=
) or only events where the condition 1 and 2 or 3 are true ( action="deny" AND (scrip= OR dstip=
If the first, the regex is easy:
action="deny" scrip= dstip=
you can test it at https://regex101.com/r/ROejtS/1
if the second:
action\=\"deny\" (scrip\=10\.12\.55\.55)|(dstip=192\.168\.10\.0)
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/ROejtS/2
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Thanks for the response. I want to dump the events where action="deny" and scrip= are always present and there can be multiple dstip entries. Based on your answer, will the regex in transforms.conf look like this?
(?:action=\"deny\") (?:srcip= (?:dstip=192.168.10.)|(?:dstip=172.16.10.)|(?:dstip=172.18.10.)
I ended up adding a seperate transforms.conf entry for each dstip. After testing, it appears to be working.