index=my_server sourcetype=server1_log NOT "status=SUCCESS" "client_id=my_client"
TID=0101010101 client_id=my_client action=response status=ERROR
TID=0101010102 client_id=my_client action=response status=ERROR
TID=0101010103 client_id=my_client action=response status=ERROR
Now I want to take the list of Errored TIDs the first search returns and do another search that returns everything related to each TID including the parts that were successful.
TID=0101010101 client_id=my_client action=request status=SUCCESS
TID=0101010101 client_id=my_client action=begin status=SUCCESS
TID=0101010101 client_id=my_client action=middle status=SUCCESS
TID=0101010101 client_id=my_client action=end status=SUCCESS
TID=0101010101 lient_id=my_client action=response status=ERROR
TID=0101010102 client_id=my_client action=request status=SUCCESS
TID=0101010102 client_id=my_client action=begin status=SUCCESS
TID=0101010102 client_id=my_client action=middle status=SUCCESS
TID=0101010102 client_id=my_client action=end status=SUCCESS
TID=0101010102 lient_id=my_client action=response status=ERROR
TID=0101010103 client_id=my_client action=request status=SUCCESS
TID=0101010103 client_id=my_client action=begin status=SUCCESS
TID=0101010103 client_id=my_client action=middle status=SUCCESS
TID=0101010103 client_id=my_client action=end status=SUCCESS
TID=0101010103 client_id=my_client action=response status=ERROR
Would you like to try this ...
index=my_server sourcetype=server1_log [ | search index=my_server sourcetype=server1_log NOT "status=SUCCESS" "client_id=my_client" | fields TID]
Would you like to try this ...
index=my_server sourcetype=server1_log [ | search index=my_server sourcetype=server1_log NOT "status=SUCCESS" "client_id=my_client" | fields TID]
This worked perfctly. Thanks ryoji_solsys.
transaction fields=TID
WOW!!!! I think you know what I wanted better than I did. This is perfect!!!!! Thanks for all the help everyone.
This worked perfctly. Thanks ryoji_solsys.
If you want all the events to be in one transaction, just add | transaction fields=TID
at the end of the query above.
index=my_server sourcetype=server1_log [ | search index=my_server sourcetype=server1_log NOT "status=SUCCESS" "client_id=my_client" | fields TID] | transaction fields=TID
Try this
index=my_server sourcetype=server1_log | extract pairdelim=" " kvdelim="=" | eventstats count(eval(status="ERROR")) as err by client_id TID | where err>0
Thanks sundareshr I tried this but it was not exactly what I wanted. Maybe I didn't explain myself properly.