Hi @balu1211 ,
sorry but I don't understand: do you want to add ip_details that are in the ip_add.csv lookup?
if this is your need, you could add a lookup command after the stats command.
index=waf action_waf IN ("deny") NOT [ | inputlookup ip_add.csv | table IP | rename IP as "client_ip" | format ]
| rename "attackData.clientIP" as "client_ip","attackData.policyId" as "Policy ID", "attackData.rules{}.message" as "message"
| lookup policyname.csv "Policy ID" OUTPUT "Policy Name"
| stats values(Policy Name) as "policy_name", values(waf_rules) as waf_rules,values(message) as message count by "client_ip","action_waf"
| lookup ip_add.csv IP AS client_ip OUTPUTNEW client_ip_details
| where count > 100
| fields + client_ip_details
My use case is like findings the public ip addresses hitting the WAF Host.
Hi @balu1211,
I don't know if someone else is able to help you, but without information I don't know how to do it!
Please, share more information.
I have a index waf in which i have to find out the number of unique clientip , policyname,action by host name and adding lookup table in search to exclude ips of lookup table.
Hi @balu1211,
ok, please try something like this (to adapt to your real fields):
index=waf NOT [ | inputlookup your_lookup | fields ip ]
| stats
dc(clientip) AS clientip_count
values(clientip) AS clientip
dc(policyname) AS policyname_count
values(policyname) AS policyname
dc(action) AS action_count
values(action) AS action
by host
if you don't want the list of values of clientip, policyname and action, remove the values options.
Hi @balu1211,
which Data Sources have you available (Firewall, VPN, network traffic, operative system, applications)?
Could you better describe your request?
Hi @balu1211 ,
your search isn't optimized: don't use search after search, put all the serche terme in the main search to have a moro efficient search:
then, use quotes when you have spaces or special chars in field names (e.g. "Policy Name"), but probably it was a copy error.
Other than efficiency, what's the problem of your search?
index=waf action_waf IN ("deny") NOT [ | inputlookup ipadd.csv | table IP | rename IP as "client_ip" | format ]
| lookup policyname.csv "Policy ID" OUTPUT "Policy Name"
| stats
values("Policy Name") AS "policy_name"
values(waf_rules) AS waf_rules
values(message) AS message
BY client_ip action_waf
Could you please look into this above scenario....
Hi @balu1211 ,
sorry but I don't understand: do you want to add ip_details that are in the ip_add.csv lookup?
if this is your need, you could add a lookup command after the stats command.
index=waf action_waf IN ("deny") NOT [ | inputlookup ip_add.csv | table IP | rename IP as "client_ip" | format ]
| rename "attackData.clientIP" as "client_ip","attackData.policyId" as "Policy ID", "attackData.rules{}.message" as "message"
| lookup policyname.csv "Policy ID" OUTPUT "Policy Name"
| stats values(Policy Name) as "policy_name", values(waf_rules) as waf_rules,values(message) as message count by "client_ip","action_waf"
| lookup ip_add.csv IP AS client_ip OUTPUTNEW client_ip_details
| where count > 100
| fields + client_ip_details
Hi @balu1211,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated 😉
No my requirement is in the output of client ip i need there actual name eg.
If i search this in Arin site those details of client ip should get in output.
Pls refer to this link
You will get idea..
Mentioned app in the above link is not working for me so we have any alternative.
Hi @balu1211 ,
the original link you shared isn't still available, so I don't understand your need.
@gcusello Hi,
My use case is in the below link https://community.splunk.com/t5/Splunk-Search/Has-anyone-implemented-whois-lookups/m-p/148090
Pls get it how to implement the same in my search thanks..
Hi @balu1211,
yes but this solution refers to another answer (using Splunk 5!) that isn't available because too old.