I can add an absolute row number to my search results with
streamstats count as row
However, I would like the row count to group by other columns. So in the example below, the row number groups by COL_A - each time the value of COL_A changes, the row number (ROW column) resets to 1 again
1 | ABC | 123
2 | ABC | 456
3 | ABC | 789
1 | DEF | 123
2 | DEF | 456
1 | GHI | 789
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Try this
index="the_index" earliest=-7month@month latest=@month | bucket _time span=1month | stats count by custName _time | table custName _time count | streamstats count as row by custName| fields row *
Try this
index="the_index" earliest=-7month@month latest=@month | bucket _time span=1month | stats count by custName _time | table custName _time count | streamstats count as row by custName| fields row *
YOu are almost there. Just add a "by COL_A" in you streamstats command.
Actually, worked it out. the "by" clause goes after the "as" clause, which is not like usual Splunk syntax. I would have expected an error rather than an empty column. Anyway, thanks for the help. For clarity, the correct search is:
index="the_index" earliest=-7month@month latest=@month | bucket _time span=1month | stats count by custName _time | table custName _time count | streamstats as row count by custName | fields row *
Not sure how to mark your answer as correct and give you points if you only gave it in a comment rather than as an answer, but thanks again!
Streamstats works for me if I don't have a "by" clause, but as soon as I add the "by", the column has no values. My search is trying to create a set of row numbers per custName, with the count column being the number of records for that customer in the month:
index="the_index" earliest=-7month@month latest=@month | bucket _time span=1month | stats count by custName _time | table custName _time count | streamstats count by custName as row | fields row *
What stupid mistake am I making?