Scenario: I need to extract the User out of the following field msg using rex. So, I need abcdefg
Group <XGroupPolicy> User <abcdefg> IP <> SVC Message: 16/NOTICE: The user has requested to disconnect the connection..
index = main | rex field=msg [???]
Thank you!
Try this then
index = main | rex field=msg "User\s+\<(?<User>[^\>]+)\>"
Hi Packet Hunter,
This probably is not the cleanest but here is how I would pull all the fields from that simultaneously.
index=blah sourcetype=blah
| rex "Group\s<(?P<Group>\w+)>\sUser\s<(?P<User>\w+)>\sIP\s<(?P<IP_Address>\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3})>\sSVC\sMessage:\s(?P<Message_Num>\d+)\/\w+:\s(?P<Message>(.*))"
| table Group User IP_Address Message_Num Message
Error in 'rex' command: Encountered the following error while compiling the regex '^(?P\w+)\s(?P\w+)\sIP\s<(?P\d{1': Regex: missing )
Thank you for your attempt I will study it for educational purposes
Sorry, I am pretty new to regex built within searches. What I usually do is copy a sample message and paste it into the TEST STRING at
After doing that you can work on building your regex and it will highlight the groups in real time!
For searches to rex out result fields I usually will do something like:
index=myIndex sourcetype=jws | rex "^\d+\s+\w+\s\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+,\d+\s(?P<value1>\w+)\s\[]\[]\[]\s\[(?P<value2>\w+)\]\s(?P<value3>(.*))\s\[]\[(.*)\n(?P<value3>(.*))" | table _time host value1 value2 value3 value4
Then if you want to do another search on the results for that you can add this onto the search
| search value1="somevalue"
and it will narrow down the results to only include it where value1="somevalue" in the resulting table.
thank you for the response
Try this then
index = main | rex field=msg "User\s+\<(?<User>[^\>]+)\>"
Thank you that works
Assuming the text you want is the second "word" of msg, then this should do it.
... | rex field=msg "\s(?<user>[^\s]*)\s" | ...
You may want to get to know It's a great way to experiment with regular expressions until you find what works.
Based on your comment, this answer is similar to the one for your previous question.
... | rex field=msg "User (?<user>[^ ]*)" | ...
Your code works partially - probably because my first paste did not render correctly and your code worked on that.
I appreciate your help and the refer to the link. Yes REX is a hurdle for me.
This question is similar to the other you answered, however the msg field values are different which is why I asked for more help with a different rex.
Thank you!!
I don't see the value 'abcdefg' in the your sample data. Could you confirm which string from your sample data you need extracted?
when I was pasting, the msg field it was not rendering, does it make sense now?
abcdefg is a redacted username