Hi all,
I need to chart a series of time(epoch) values over time. So basically, I want to show Dates on both the X and Y Axis of a linechart. After converting the Y-values to epoch, I get a nice line. However epoch values are not very user-friendly, so I would like to convert the axis labels back into a readable format. I created a screenshot to illustrate the problem:
I tried using "fieldformat" and "convert timeformat...", neither works. If inserted before the chart command, the line can not be drawn anymore, if inserted after, the labels do not change. Using a timechart helps with the X-Axis, but doesn't change anything about the Y-Axis.
oh, and the x axis, just add some eval to replace after charting...
| chart max(time) as max_time by datex
| eval datex = strftime(datex, "%d/%m")
Hi, I've done some tricks to do this ...
in the query I converted hh: mm: ss to a number (because string does not write points in the graph):
| chart max(epoch_time) as max_time by date
| eval max_time = tonumber(strftime(max_time, "%H%M%S"))
into html dashboard, after render() my chartElement (or chartView)
element4.on("rendered", function () {
$($("#element4 tspan")).each(function () {
console.log("element4 : " + $(this).text());
var rex = new RegExp("[0-9]{0,3},[0-9]{3}");
if (rex.test($(this).text())) {
var hhnum = $(this).text().replace(",", "");
var hhzeros = String("000000" + horanumeral).slice(-6);
var hhfinal = (horacomzeros).substr(0, 2) + ":" + (horacomzeros).substr(2, 2)
} else if ($(this).text() < 1000) {
var hhzeros = String("000000" + horanumeral).slice(-6);
var hhfinal = (horacomzeros).substr(0, 2) + ":" + (horacomzeros).substr(2, 2)
This code needs some refactoring, but this was my first successful case
Hi @Dohrendorf_Consist,
Have you tried using the "strftime" command in your query to convert the way the time stamp is rendered? Here is some documentation that might help:
See also this older Answers post, which seems related to your question:
Hope this helps! Let me know if not and we can keep discussing.
All best,
I already had tried that, but it only works on the X-Axis. Using strftime on the Y-Axis results in the line no longer being drawn, apparently because the values are strings after formatting them, which makes sense.
Any other suggestions?
Did you make it ?
I'm trying here and I'm having the same problem