You're probably looking for something like this:
You'll want to define a CSV with the protocol number as one column, and the protocol name as the other. You can then use that in a lookup something like (not exact as you didn't provide details on your logs):
sourcetype=my-firewall | lookup protocols protocol_number OUTPUT protocol_name
You can see more on using the lookup command here:
You're probably looking for something like this:
You'll want to define a CSV with the protocol number as one column, and the protocol name as the other. You can then use that in a lookup something like (not exact as you didn't provide details on your logs):
sourcetype=my-firewall | lookup protocols protocol_number OUTPUT protocol_name
You can see more on using the lookup command here:
Lookups comes very handy for situations where additional static information to be added to result. Also, if the no of mapping is small and its to be used in only 1-2 places, you can use "eval-case" command to define those. [lookups are easily scalable though]