I have a query which shows tables as below
I want to get the percentage in the total column instead of decimal numbers. How can i do that?
And, for every row, i want to see what percentage of Chrome browser is being used from Total
The field which determines if a user is using Chrome is a boolean property "IsUsingChrome"=true/false
So, the End result should be something like this.
Region | Currency | Total
AP | KRW | 20%(Chrome)/Other Browsers(80%)
US | usd | 30%(Chrome)/Other Browsers(70%)
I have query like this below so far
search | mvexpand data.CustomContent | rex total\"\:(?\d+\.\d+) max_match=0 | spath input=data.CustomContent | stats sum(total) as TOTAL by Region,Currency | sort -TOTAL
I tried to query with examples but no luck. I appreciate any help here!
search | mvexpand data.CustomContent | rex total\"\:(?\d+.\d+) max_match=0
| spath input=data.CustomContent
| stats sum(eval(if(IsUsingChrome="true",total,0))) as chrome , sum(total) as TOTAL by Region,Currency
| eval _perc=round((chrome/TOTAL)/100,2)|eval TOTAL=_perc."%(Chrome)/Other Browsers(". (100-_perc)."%)"|fields - chrome