Hi. I'm attempting to compare an inventory master list (lookup file) to a weekly inventory list (lookup file) displayed by Splunk to see if an unauthorized item has been added OR removed in the weekly list.
device hostname ip domain
router router1234 usr.hey.spk
workstation workstation1234 usr.hey.spk
printer printer1234 usr.hey.spk
switch switch1234 444.44.44.444 usr.hey.spk
device hostname ip domain
router router4321 usr.hey.spk
workstation workstation1234 usr.hey.spk
printer printer5678 999.99.99.999 usr.hey.spk
The two queries should search three fields (hostname, ip, domain) and return the router and printer device because their hostname and ip values do not match what is listed in the masterlookup.csv. I intend to have a panel display a table of what is added (the new router and printer in week2lookup.csv) and another to display what was removed (the router, printer, and switch in masterlookup.csv).
Maybe this solution is not efficient but is the first one I thought
| inputlookup masterlookup.csv
| eval time="old"
| append
[ | inputlookup week2lookup.csv
| eval time="new"]
| stats count values(time) as when by hostname, device, ip, domain
| search count=1 when=old
Changing the field's value in the last search you can have added or removed.
Maybe this solution is not efficient but is the first one I thought
| inputlookup masterlookup.csv
| eval time="old"
| append
[ | inputlookup week2lookup.csv
| eval time="new"]
| stats count values(time) as when by hostname, device, ip, domain
| search count=1 when=old
Changing the field's value in the last search you can have added or removed.
Maybe this solution is not efficient but is the first one I thought
| inputlookup masterlookup.csv
| eval time="old"
| append
[ | inputlookup week2lookup.csv
| eval time="new"]
| stats count values(time) as when by hostname, device, ip, domain
| search count=1 when=old
Changing the field's value in the last search you can have added or removed.
@elpred0 Post this again as a new comment so that I can accept it as the answer.
Done! Thank you @russell120 !!
This works!