Splunk Search

How can i change the span in timechart when the timeRangePicker is change?

Path Finder

Hi Everyone!

I have a question about displaying timeline on timechart.(chart option is column)

I want to use timechart to display '1 bar = 1 hour' during the period of 24 hours for search and if the period of time is changed from 24 hours to 30 days, the bar is also changed from 1 hour to 1 day (1 bar = 1 day) as the Search App does.

How should I do?

Tags (2)


You can define the maximum number of bars (called bins) in the timechart command. Choosing something like 35 should be a good catch for your needs:

... | timechart bins=35 count by foo

See http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/SearchReference/Timechart

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