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How can I tie together Windows Logon and Linux SSH Events to monitor root and other linux admin accounts?

Path Finder


My goal is to be able to tie together events from Linux events and Windows events in order to track Windows users logging in as root or admin users on Linux machines. Both indexes share a common field src_ip and I was trying to use transaction in order to get events as close as possible to when a specific user logs on and ssh's to a Linux machine. Multiple users can log on to one windows machine which is why I thought transaction might work if it was possible to get all ssh after a specific user logged on and tie it to that user then when a new user logged on tie all the ssh session after that to that specific user.

Index os = linux index
Index windows = windows index
Transaction startswith = some text for windows events
Transaction endswith = some text for linux events

index=os host=SomeLinuxMachine* 
| rex field=_raw "from\s+(?<src_ip>.*?)\s+port" 
| rex field=_raw "for\s+(?<ssh_user>.*?)\s+from"
| transaction startswith="An account was successfully logged on." endswith="sshd"
| table _time src_ip ssh_user host 
| append [search index=windows eventtype="windows_logon_success" NOT(Account_Name="*$" OR Account_Name="ANONYMOUS LOGON") 
| rex field=_raw "Account\sName:\s+(?<Account_Name_fixed>\S{4,})"
| rex field=_raw "Logon\sID:\s+(?<Logon_ID_fixed>\S{6,})"
| rex field=_raw "Message=(?<Message_fixed>.{3,})\s+Subject"
| rename Account_Name_fixed AS src_user 
| stats latest(src_user) AS src_user by src_ip]
0 Karma
1 Solution

Path Finder

Using the time of the events we were able to get the latest user logging into the Windows workstation and matching that up to the SSH logs. This was tested and success with a user logging into a windows machine and then logging right off to have another user log on to the same windows machine and ssh to the same linux machine.

Example log for index=os sourcetype=os:secure

LinuxHostName sshd[36115]: Accepted password for AdminUser from x.x.x.x port 50069 ssh2

Example log for index=SomeWindowsIndex eventtype=windows_logon_success

02/06/2018 04:43:10 PM
SourceName=Microsoft Windows security auditing.
Keywords=Audit Success
Message=An account was successfully logged on.

    Security ID:        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
    Account Name:       SomeDomainController$
    Account Domain:     Domain
    Logon ID:       0x3e7

Logon Type:         3

New Logon:
    Security ID:        Domain\username
    Account Name:       username
    Account Domain:     Domain
    Logon ID:       0xb9ff3c71b
    Logon GUID:     {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}

The search

index=os host=SomeLinuxHost* sourcetype="os:secure" 
| rex field=_raw "sshd\[\d+\]\:\s+(?<status>Accepted|Failed)" 
| rex field=_raw "from\s+(?<src_ip>.*?)\s+port" 
| rex field=_raw "for\s+(?<ssh_user>.*?)\s+from" 
| eval eventtime =_time 
| eval modtime = _time - 28800 
| map maxsearches=1000 search="search earliest=$modtime$ latest=$eventtime$ index=SomeWindowsIndex eventtype=windows_logon_success NOT(Account_Name=\"*$\" OR Account_Name=\"ANONYMOUS LOGON\") $src_ip$ | rex field=_raw \"Account\sName:\s+(?<Account_Name_fixed>\S{4,})\" 
| rename Account_Name_fixed AS win_src_user 
| stats latest(_time) AS _time latest(win_src_user) AS win_src_user latest(ssh_user) AS ssh_user latest(host) AS host by src_ip
| eval ssh_user= \"$ssh_user$\"
| eval host = \"$host$\"
| eval _time=\"$eventtime$\""
|table _time, host, src_ip, ssh_user, win_src_user

End result successful

_time                  host              src_ip                 ssh_user        win_src_user
2018-02-06 15:56:11     SameLinuxHost        SameWindowsWorkstation    SSH_root     user A
2018-02-06 15:58:02     SameLinuxHost        SameWindowsWorkstation    SSH_root        user B
2018-02-06 15:58:16     SameLinuxHost        SameWindowsWorkstation    SSH_root        user A

View solution in original post

Path Finder

Using the time of the events we were able to get the latest user logging into the Windows workstation and matching that up to the SSH logs. This was tested and success with a user logging into a windows machine and then logging right off to have another user log on to the same windows machine and ssh to the same linux machine.

Example log for index=os sourcetype=os:secure

LinuxHostName sshd[36115]: Accepted password for AdminUser from x.x.x.x port 50069 ssh2

Example log for index=SomeWindowsIndex eventtype=windows_logon_success

02/06/2018 04:43:10 PM
SourceName=Microsoft Windows security auditing.
Keywords=Audit Success
Message=An account was successfully logged on.

    Security ID:        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
    Account Name:       SomeDomainController$
    Account Domain:     Domain
    Logon ID:       0x3e7

Logon Type:         3

New Logon:
    Security ID:        Domain\username
    Account Name:       username
    Account Domain:     Domain
    Logon ID:       0xb9ff3c71b
    Logon GUID:     {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}

The search

index=os host=SomeLinuxHost* sourcetype="os:secure" 
| rex field=_raw "sshd\[\d+\]\:\s+(?<status>Accepted|Failed)" 
| rex field=_raw "from\s+(?<src_ip>.*?)\s+port" 
| rex field=_raw "for\s+(?<ssh_user>.*?)\s+from" 
| eval eventtime =_time 
| eval modtime = _time - 28800 
| map maxsearches=1000 search="search earliest=$modtime$ latest=$eventtime$ index=SomeWindowsIndex eventtype=windows_logon_success NOT(Account_Name=\"*$\" OR Account_Name=\"ANONYMOUS LOGON\") $src_ip$ | rex field=_raw \"Account\sName:\s+(?<Account_Name_fixed>\S{4,})\" 
| rename Account_Name_fixed AS win_src_user 
| stats latest(_time) AS _time latest(win_src_user) AS win_src_user latest(ssh_user) AS ssh_user latest(host) AS host by src_ip
| eval ssh_user= \"$ssh_user$\"
| eval host = \"$host$\"
| eval _time=\"$eventtime$\""
|table _time, host, src_ip, ssh_user, win_src_user

End result successful

_time                  host              src_ip                 ssh_user        win_src_user
2018-02-06 15:56:11     SameLinuxHost        SameWindowsWorkstation    SSH_root     user A
2018-02-06 15:58:02     SameLinuxHost        SameWindowsWorkstation    SSH_root        user B
2018-02-06 15:58:16     SameLinuxHost        SameWindowsWorkstation    SSH_root        user A


Not bad! Now, this method is fine for SMALL numbers of events. As a general case, map is a resource hog, so you wouldn't want to do it for a thousand different searches as you have it coded there.


Don't use transaction when you just need to connect things. Usually stats or eventstats will usually get you what you want. When there's a time factor, your go-to tool should be streamstats.

Always state your problem first, accurately, without saying HOW you are going to do it. This avoids coding based merely on the first tool or method you thought of.

PROBLEM DEFINITION : For each SSH on index=os, you want to find the src_user from the most recent index=windows login within a certain length of time (let's say 10m) for that same src_ip.

First, pull every single record you need from both indexes.

So this...

 (index=os host=SomeLinuxMachine*) 
 | head 10
 | rex field=_raw "from\s+(?<src_ip>.*?)\s+port" 
 | rex field=_raw "for\s+(?<ssh_user>.*?)\s+from"
 | rex field=_raw "An account was successfully (?<myevent>logged) on."
 | rex field=_raw "(?<myevent>sshd)"
 | table _time _raw index src_ip ssh_user src_user myevent host 

...and this...

 (index=windows eventtype="windows_logon_success" NOT     (Account_Name="*$" OR Account_Name="ANONYMOUS LOGON"))
| head 10 
| rex field=_raw "Account\sName:\s+(?<src_user>\S{4,})"
| fields _time _raw index src_ip ssh_user src_user myevent host 

...together make this...

(index=os host=SomeLinuxMachine*) OR 
(index=windows eventtype="windows_logon_success" NOT    (Account_Name="*$" OR Account_Name="ANONYMOUS LOGON"))
| rex field=_raw "from\s+(?<src_ip>.*?)\s+port" 
| rex field=_raw "for\s+(?<ssh_user>.*?)\s+from"
| rex field=_raw "An account was successfully (?<myevent>logged) on."
| rex field=_raw "(?<myevent>sshd)"
| rex field=_raw "Account\sName:\s+(?<src_user>\S{4,})"
| fields _time _raw src_ip ssh_user src_user myevent host 

NEXT, in this case, you want to roll the data from the index=windows logon FORWARD to the index=os SSH records. The records will be coming out in backwards order, so we need to reverse them first, then use streamstats to copy the windows data. Let's arbitrarily say we are only going to count windows logons within 10m of the ssh.

| reverse
| streamstats current=f last(src_user) as src_user time_window=10m BY src_ip

Now each index=os record with a src_ip has the windows data, if it existed, so we can kill the windows data, reverse the records again, and fill in the empty ones...

| search index=os
| reverse
| eval src_user = coalesce(src_user,"((UNKNOWN))")

Finally, you still have multiple records for each ssh that you want to roll together. Ideally, you'll use either a stats or eventstats here as well. If you post some dummy data for one set, then we can help you code that. (I'm not sure how many records make up the "transaction" or I'd have air-coded it for you already.)

Oh, and one BIG efficiency note - table brings all the records to the search head. Use fields to cut down the list of streamable fields at your earliest convenience, and only use table after everything is already at the search head, such as after the first non-streamable command

Path Finder

DalJeanis thank you for your reply! This was a very informative post and I'll keep your suggestions in mind when posting more questions.

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