I can run a search from the command line with time boundaries as earliest= and latest= as part of my search. And I can run a realtime search over all time from the command line using 'rtsearch'.
But if I try to run a realtime search with earliest= and latest= keywords as part of the search string, they aren't effective. How can I make this work?
Using 'earliest' and 'latest' may not work as mentioned in the following splunk answer:
Try using the following:
bin/splunk rtsearch 'index=_internal -earliest_time 'rt-30s' -latest_time 'rt+30s'
-earliest_time and -latest_time should set the same-name arguments in the REST API.
Using 'earliest' and 'latest' may not work as mentioned in the following splunk answer:
Try using the following:
bin/splunk rtsearch 'index=_internal -earliest_time 'rt-30s' -latest_time 'rt+30s'
-earliest_time and -latest_time should set the same-name arguments in the REST API.