I tried this :
.... myField IN (
[search ..| table myField])
Where the values passed to the IN operator will be calculate dynamically from another search
But that returns
Unable to parse the search: Right hand side of IN must be a collection of literals. '((myField = "123") OR (myField = "1234")
How can I do this?
Or you can simplify to this in most cases:
<your-search> [search <the search you wish to write> | table myField]
- As far as field name myField is common in both searches.
- Splunk will automatically add the IN operator.
@VatsalJagani wrote:- Splunk will automatically add the IN operator.
Not exactly. Splunk will automatically convert the subsearch into a series of OR clauses, which is the same thing it does with the IN operator.
Yeah, that is correct both will be converted to OR operators but those are one or the same thing. So to avoid confusion I generally say IN operator.
But thanks for clarification.
Subsearches aren't designed to work with the IN operator since IN is relatively new. We can make it work, however. Try this
... myField IN (
[ search ...
```We only need one field```
| fields myField
```Remove duplicate values```
| dedup myField
```Format the results using no delimeters```
| format mvsep="" "" "" "" "" "" ""
```Remove "myField=" from the formatted string```
| eval search=replace(search, "myField =", "")
Incredible answer!
This can be slightly simplified by renaming myField to query in the subsearch because the format command treats this as a special case and doesn't include the "query=" in the formatted string
... myField IN (
[ search ...
```We only need one field```
| fields myField
```Remove duplicate values```
| dedup myField
``` rename field to query
| rename myField as query
```Format the results using no delimeters```
| format mvsep="" "" "" "" "" "" "" ]
Another incredible answer! These helped me a lot!