I have the summary index to record hourly event count for all device (de_count). I have the following search to get max number of hours without events for myindex=router:
| bucket _time span=1h | stats sum(de_count) as event_count by _time (get hourly event count by _time)
| search event_count!=0 | delta _time as mydelta ( get max number of hours without events)
| eval number_of_zeros=floor(mydelta/3600.00)-1
| stats max(number_of_zeros)
| rename "max(number_of_zeros)" as maxgap
| table myindex maxgap
How can I get max number of hours without events for all indexes, myindex=* ?
Have you tried adding by index to the stats commands?
I tried the following. It didn't work. Looks like it put all results in one line. I only got the result for one myindex, and not showing myindex in the table.
| bucket _time span=1h | stats sum(de_count) as event_count by _time,myindex (get hourly event count by _time)
| search event_count!=0 | delta _time as mydelta ( get max number of hours without events)
| eval number_of_zeros=floor(mydelta/3600.00)-1
| stats max(number_of_zeros) by myindex
| rename "max(number_of_zeros)" as maxgap
| table myindex maxgap
I tried the following search, didn't work
| bucket _time span=1h | stats sum(de_count) as event_count by _time,myindex (get hourly event count by _time)
| search event_count!=0 | delta _time as mydelta ( get max number of hours without events)
| eval number_of_zeros=floor(mydelta/3600.00)-1
| stats max(number_of_zeros) by myindex
| rename "max(number_of_zeros)" as maxgap
| table myindex maxgap
Got it working by changing "by _time,myindex" to "by myindex,_time".