Hi, all
I would like to create a mechanism that generates an alert when a regular expression extracted matches.
However, I cannot come up with a search statement that says when the extracted regular expression matches a certain character.
Here is my regular expression.
index=main sourcetype=text
|rex field = title(?<description>(\[).*(\]))
Field of title has values [SUCCESS],[FAILED],[SKIPPED]etc...
I thought that this search statement would return results that matched SUCCESS.
index=main sourcetype=text
|rex field = title(?<description>(\[).*(\]))
description = "SUCCESS"
But, it does not work.
Could you please help me?
Hi nanachu,
If you want to create an alert then you can do something like:
index=main sourcetype=text
|rex field=title "\[(?<description>.*)\]"
|stats count by description
(it will count the number of "[SUCCESS]", "[FAILED]", ... extracted)
Then you click "save as" --> Alert --> Trigger alert when "Number of Results" is greater than 0
Hope it helps
Best regards,
You can use the | regex
to search events regex patterns without the need to extract fields.
if you want to get an alert when there is a [FAILED] event you can search:
index=main sourcetype=text
| regex _raw="\[FAILED\]"
NOTE: You can swap _raw by other existing field if you want.
More information on the regex command:
Also check this .conf presentation:
Hi nanachu,
If you want to create an alert then you can do something like:
index=main sourcetype=text
|rex field=title "\[(?<description>.*)\]"
|stats count by description
(it will count the number of "[SUCCESS]", "[FAILED]", ... extracted)
Then you click "save as" --> Alert --> Trigger alert when "Number of Results" is greater than 0
Hope it helps
Best regards,
try this
| makeresults
| eval title="[SUCCESS],[FAILED],[SKIPPED]" |rex field=title "\[+(?<status>.*?)\]" max_match=0
| mvexpand status
| where status="whatever you want"
repalce whatever you want with success,failed,skipped etc...
hi @nanachu
Can you please check and confirm on your issue? Please accept the answer if it significantly helped resolve your issue. Do not forget to add/modify the answer if you did some modifications and then accept the answer.