I need to extract "internal-blue-ocf" as namespace and "stress-b.aps.gc1-b.lle.ocf.xxx.com" as service using rex from the below data.
The condition for the fields should be like,
1) namespace: content between http:// and -oic
2) service: content should start after oic- and ends at .com
MESSAGE: 2019-12-05 04:04:42, Environment=OIC STRESS B, Service=, Status=000, Response_Time=0.000, Endpoint=http://internal-blue-ocf-oic-stress-b.aps.gc1-b.lle.ocf.xxx.com/oic/
The rex should be used on field called MESSAGE. Please help!
Try this
| makeresults
| eval MESSAGE="MESSAGE: 2019-12-05 04:04:42, Environment=OIC STRESS B, Service=, Status=000, Response_Time=0.000, Endpoint=http://internal-blue-ocf-oic-stress-b.aps.gc1-b.lle.ocf.xxx.com/oic/"
| rex field=MESSAGE "Endpoint=http:\/\/(?P<namespace>.+)-oic-(?P<service>.+.com)"
Thanks @vnravikumar and @kamlesh_vaghela. It worked 🙂
Please try the below
| rex field=_raw "http:..(?P\w+-\w+-\w+)-oic-(?P.*.com)"
If the data look likes above, this regex will work. But the data contains numbers in between word. We need to write different regex.
Kindly let me know if it works.
Sorry, this didn't work @kartm. The above ones shared by kamlesh and ravikumar worked for me. Thanks anyway 🙂
Can you please try this?
YOUR_SEARCH | rex field=MESSAGE " Endpoint=http:\/\/(?<namespace>.*)-oic-(?<service>.*\.com)"
| table namespace service MESSAGE
| makeresults
| eval MESSAGE="MESSAGE: 2019-12-05 04:04:42, Environment=OIC STRESS B, Service=, Status=000, Response_Time=0.000, Endpoint=http://internal-blue-ocf-oic-stress-b.aps.gc1-b.lle.ocf.xxx.com/oic/"
| rex field=MESSAGE " Endpoint=http:\/\/(?<namespace>.*)-oic-(?<service>.*\.com)"
| table namespace service MESSAGE
Try this
| makeresults
| eval MESSAGE="MESSAGE: 2019-12-05 04:04:42, Environment=OIC STRESS B, Service=, Status=000, Response_Time=0.000, Endpoint=http://internal-blue-ocf-oic-stress-b.aps.gc1-b.lle.ocf.xxx.com/oic/"
| rex field=MESSAGE "Endpoint=http:\/\/(?P<namespace>.+)-oic-(?P<service>.+.com)"