I have the below data in a csv file. I'd like to create a heat map with the count(zip_code) number inside the marker. Any thoughts on how I would go about this? Many thanks!!!
89148 1052 36.06 -111.87
85255 924 33.66 -111.94
85254 799 33.61 -112.24
85383 787 33.76 -112.18
85308 672 33.66 -97.76
73099 666 35.51 -76.3
23320 656 36.67 -111.89
85260 654 33.61 -76.04
23456 644 36.73 -115.13
89031 636 36.27 -76.04
23464 629 36.73 -95.78
74012 615 36.03 -97.41
73013 601 35.67 -115.04
89012 586 36 -76.04
23462 569 36.73 -97.51
Try something like this...
index="cox_heatmap" sourcetype="csv"
| rename 'COUNT(ZIP_CODE)' as mycount
|geostats globallimit=0 latfield=LAT longfield=LONG sum(mycount) as TheCount by ZIP_CODE
Still kinda stuck even after changing my data set. The new data set looks like this. Just took out the count of the zip code. So if there are 100 90210 zip codes instead of summarizing them I just left all 100 in the data set and let splunk count them by the below query and still no luck
index="cox_heatmap" sourcetype="csv"|geostats globallimit=0 latfield=LAT longfield=LONG count by ZIP_CODE
85629 31.91 -110.9
85742 32.43 -111.03
85629 31.91 -110.9
85710 32.22 -110.82
85747 32.1 -110.68
85730 32.17 -110.79
85713 32.19 -110.98
85713 32.19 -110.98
85747 32.1 -110.68
85641 31.95 -110.69
85756 32.07 -110.92
85705 32.26 -111
85756 32.07 -110.92
85629 31.91 -110.9
85629 31.91 -110.9
85745 32.25 -111.08
85730 32.17 -110.79
85756 32.07 -110.92
85756 32.07 -110.92
85050 33.69 -112
85085 33.75 -112.14
85382 33.65 -112.24
85345 33.57 -112.25
85008 33.46 -111.98
85748 32.21 -110.75
85629 31.91 -110.9
85713 32.19 -110.98
85712 32.25 -110.87
85712 32.25 -110.87
85629 31.91 -110.9
85710 32.22 -110.82
85710 32.22 -110.82
85745 32.25 -111.08
I've tried this query and its close but not quite. The zipcode count column totals to just over 150K and when using this query the values in the heat map only total about 3500.
index="cox_heatmap" sourcetype="csv"| geostats globallimit=0 latfield=LAT longfield=Long count by COUNT_ZIP_CODE