I know I have bumped into this in the past, but I can think of a good keyword to do a search on...
I have a search that produces a list of IPs, most have multiple content categories associated with them. I want to create a table, where each IP is listed once, and all the content categories that are associated with that IP are listed with that IP. For example: test1 test2 test3 test1
Would go into a table like: test1
test3 test1
I know that there is a way to cluster the results around the IP address. I just can't think of the right term to google. Anyone know what I should be searching for?
I believe you are looking for something like this:
* |stats values(dest) by src
Do your search to get the data reduced to what you want and then do a stats command by the name of the field in the first column, but then do a values around the second column to get all the test1, test2, test3 values.
You can do | stats values(field) as field by ip