Splunk Search

Group IP addresses (integer)


Problem: Huge list of IP addresses across multiple subnets, how to group and list in order of subnets.

This is what we came up with:

index=dhcp dest_ip="" | where dest != dest_ip | stats count(dest) by dest, dest_ip | eval ipoctet=split(dest_ip, ".") | eval int1=floor(tonumber(mvindex(ipoctet,0))*16777216) | eval int2=floor(tonumber(mvindex(ipoctet,1))*65536) | eval int3=floor(tonumber(mvindex(ipoctet,2))*256) | eval ipv4int=int1+int2+int3+(tonumber(mvindex(ipoctet,3))) | sort ipv4int | table dest, dest_ip, ipv4int
Tags (1)
0 Karma
1 Solution

Ultra Champion

Ultra Champion

What's wrong with;

...| sort ip(your_ip_field) | ...



Ultra Champion

You can also simplify the search in (at least) the following way (not really that much more efficient, but easier to read);

index=dhcp dest_ip=10.* dest!=dest_ip | ...

Perhaps more can be done - depending on log content and your desired outcome.

0 Karma


Other than it's a simple and far more straightforward solution?

0 Karma
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