Hi all -
I am a Splunk Novice, especially when it comes to writing my own queries. I have created a Splunk Query that serves my first goal: calculate elapsed time between 2 events.
Now, goal #2 is to graph that over a time period (i.e. 7 days). What is stalling my brain is that these events happen every day - in fact, they are batches that run on a cron schedule, so they better be happening every day! So I am unable to just change the time preset and graph this, because I am using earliest and latest events to calculate beginning and end. Here is my query to calculate duration:
index=*XYZ" "Batchname1"
| stats earliest(_time) AS Earliest, latest(_time) AS Latest
| eval Elapsed_Time=Latest-Earliest, Start_Time_Std=strftime(Earliest,"%H:%M:%S:%Y-%m-%d"), End_Time_Std=strftime(Latest,"%H:%M:%S:%Y-%m-%d")
| eval Elapsed_Time=Elapsed_Time/60
| table Start_Time_Std, End_Time_Std, Elapsed_Time
Any ideas on how to graph this duration over time so I can develop trend lines, etc? Thanks all for the help!
First, on thought process. Splunk allows you to create additional field in event stream. If you mark each day as "day -1", "day -2", etc., you can group earliest and latest by day.
This is how to do that in Splunk
index=*XYZ" "Batchname1" earliest=-7d@d latest=-0d@d
| eval dayback = mvrange(0, 7)
| eval day = mvmap(dayback, if(_time < relative_time(now(), "-" . dayback . "d@day") AND relative_time(now(), "-" . tostring(dayback + 1) . "d@day") < _time, dayback, null()))
| stats min(_time) as Earliest max(_time) as Latest by day
| fieldformat Earliest = strftime(Earliest, "%F %T")
| fieldformat Latest = strftime(Latest, "%F %T")
| eval day = "day -" . tostring(day + 1)
The output looks like
day | Earliest | Latest |
day -1 | 2024-04-23 00:01:00 | 2024-04-23 23:53:00 |
day -2 | 2024-04-22 09:29:00 | 2024-04-22 23:31:00 |
day -3 | 2024-04-21 14:29:00 | 2024-04-21 14:29:00 |
day -4 | 2024-04-20 00:01:00 | 2024-04-20 19:14:00 |
day -5 | 2024-04-19 01:13:00 | 2024-04-19 23:47:00 |
day -6 | 2024-04-18 00:01:00 | 2024-04-18 23:28:00 |
day -7 | 2024-04-17 00:01:00 | 2024-04-17 23:14:00 |
Two pointers:
The following is the emulation I use to test the above.
index = _audit earliest=-7d@d latest=-0d@d action=validate_token
| timechart span=1m count
| where count > 0
``` emulation of
index=*XYZ" "Batchname1" earliest=-7d@d latest=-0d@d
First, on thought process. Splunk allows you to create additional field in event stream. If you mark each day as "day -1", "day -2", etc., you can group earliest and latest by day.
This is how to do that in Splunk
index=*XYZ" "Batchname1" earliest=-7d@d latest=-0d@d
| eval dayback = mvrange(0, 7)
| eval day = mvmap(dayback, if(_time < relative_time(now(), "-" . dayback . "d@day") AND relative_time(now(), "-" . tostring(dayback + 1) . "d@day") < _time, dayback, null()))
| stats min(_time) as Earliest max(_time) as Latest by day
| fieldformat Earliest = strftime(Earliest, "%F %T")
| fieldformat Latest = strftime(Latest, "%F %T")
| eval day = "day -" . tostring(day + 1)
The output looks like
day | Earliest | Latest |
day -1 | 2024-04-23 00:01:00 | 2024-04-23 23:53:00 |
day -2 | 2024-04-22 09:29:00 | 2024-04-22 23:31:00 |
day -3 | 2024-04-21 14:29:00 | 2024-04-21 14:29:00 |
day -4 | 2024-04-20 00:01:00 | 2024-04-20 19:14:00 |
day -5 | 2024-04-19 01:13:00 | 2024-04-19 23:47:00 |
day -6 | 2024-04-18 00:01:00 | 2024-04-18 23:28:00 |
day -7 | 2024-04-17 00:01:00 | 2024-04-17 23:14:00 |
Two pointers:
The following is the emulation I use to test the above.
index = _audit earliest=-7d@d latest=-0d@d action=validate_token
| timechart span=1m count
| where count > 0
``` emulation of
index=*XYZ" "Batchname1" earliest=-7d@d latest=-0d@d
Aren't you overcomplicating it a bit?
Just render the date to a field
| eval day=strftime(_time,"%F")
and you're ready to go
| stats min(_time) as earliest max(_time) as latest by day
Thank you @yuanliu ! This worked really well. I added my eval commands to it as well and was able to produce the table that I was seeking, with your great query as a guide. I've expanded the time range to 14 days bc I realized 7 days was a little pointless since most of my batches only run M-F. My final query ended up being:
index=*app_pcf cf_app_name="mddr-batch-integration-flow" "posbatch04" earliest=-14d@d latest=-0d@d
| eval dayback = mvrange(0, 14)
| eval day = mvmap(dayback, if(_time < relative_time(now(), "-" . dayback . "d@day") AND relative_time(now(), "-" . tostring(dayback + 1) . "d@day") < _time, dayback, null()))
| stats min(_time) as Earliest max(_time) as Latest by day
| fieldformat Earliest = strftime(Earliest, "%F %T")
| fieldformat Latest = strftime(Latest, "%F %T")
| eval day = "day -" . tostring(day + 1)
| eval Elapsed_Time=Latest-Earliest, Start_Time_Std=strftime(Earliest,"%H:%M:%S:%Y-%m-%d"), End_Time_Std=strftime(Latest,"%H:%M:%S:%Y-%m-%d")
| eval Elapsed_Time=Elapsed_Time/60
Lastly I will figure out how to organize this by Day in desc order; right now it is sorting the results by another column...
Much appreciated for the help and the fast response, I would have never figured this out 🙂
Lastly I will figure out how to organize this by Day in desc order; right now it is sorting the results by another column...
Yes, Splunk has some weird obsession with alphabetic/ASCII ordering unless you tell it otherwise. (It kind of surprises me when the "natural" sorting order is already set in groupby (numeric on original value of "day") but Splunk changes it after adding character string "day -".) All you need to do is to insert sort after stats and before that string conversion.
When you say in desc order, I imagine that you want the reverse numeric order. Is this correct?
index=*app_pcf cf_app_name="mddr-batch-integration-flow" "posbatch04" earliest=-14d@d latest=-0d@d
| eval dayback = mvrange(0, 14)
| eval day = mvmap(dayback, if(_time < relative_time(now(), "-" . dayback . "d@day") AND relative_time(now(), "-" . tostring(dayback + 1) . "d@day") < _time, dayback, null()))
| stats min(_time) as Earliest max(_time) as Latest by day
| sort - day
| fieldformat Earliest = strftime(Earliest, "%F %T")
| fieldformat Latest = strftime(Latest, "%F %T")
| eval day = "day -" . tostring(day + 1)
| eval Elapsed_Time=Latest-Earliest, Start_Time_Std=strftime(Earliest,"%H:%M:%S:%Y-%m-%d"), End_Time_Std=strftime(Latest,"%H:%M:%S:%Y-%m-%d")
| eval Elapsed_Time=Elapsed_Time/60
If you want to last day first, just | sort day.