I was hoping someone might be able to help me with what I'm trying to achieve. I've tried to work this out but with limited knowledge of queries I'm struggling.
I have a very basic query (below) which outputs the following data from my index...
index=centredata (domain="*.create.com*" OR domain="*.puzzle.com*") sc_status=200
| table centreid, domain, groupid, userid
centreid domain groupid userid
0123 create.com Student tiyud0
0123 create.com Staff dbega0
0456 create.com Staff oghjr6
0123 puzzle.com Student qsadh2
0456 puzzle.com Staff srthg5
0123 create.com Student klghg2
0456 create.com Staff wrdv6
0456 create.com Student xcgar4
0123 create.com Student tiyud0
0456 create.com Staff oghjr6
0123 puzzle.com Student klghg2
0456 puzzle.com Staff ykszd9
0123 create.com Staff dbega0
0456 puzzle.com Staff oghjr6
0123 puzzle.com Student tiyud0
0123 create.com Staff sdgxc0
The output I'm wanting is the count of distinct userids for both groupid types (staff and student) by domain and centreid. An example of how I need it to look is as follows...
centreid domain staff student
0123 create.com 2 2
0456 create.com 2 1
0123 puzzle.com 0 3
0456 puzzle.com 3 0
Many thanks in advance 🙂
If you paste this into a search window you can see how this works on your data
| makeresults
| eval _raw="centreid domain groupid userid
0123 create.com Student tiyud0
0123 create.com Staff dbega0
0456 create.com Staff oghjr6
0123 puzzle.com Student qsadh2
0456 puzzle.com Staff srthg5
0123 create.com Student klghg2
0456 create.com Staff wrdv6
0456 create.com Student xcgar4
0123 create.com Student tiyud0
0456 create.com Staff oghjr6
0123 puzzle.com Student klghg2
0456 puzzle.com Staff ykszd9
0123 create.com Staff dbega0
0456 puzzle.com Staff oghjr6
0123 puzzle.com Student tiyud0
0123 create.com Staff sdgxc0"
| multikv forceheader=1
| table centreid domain groupid userid
| stats dc(eval(if(groupid="Staff",userid,null()))) as Staff dc(eval(if(groupid="Student",userid,null()))) as Student by centreid domain
All the code up to the table command is to recreate your data.
It's using the eval statement within the stats dc command to calculate what you need
Thank you that worked well 🙂
If you paste this into a search window you can see how this works on your data
| makeresults
| eval _raw="centreid domain groupid userid
0123 create.com Student tiyud0
0123 create.com Staff dbega0
0456 create.com Staff oghjr6
0123 puzzle.com Student qsadh2
0456 puzzle.com Staff srthg5
0123 create.com Student klghg2
0456 create.com Staff wrdv6
0456 create.com Student xcgar4
0123 create.com Student tiyud0
0456 create.com Staff oghjr6
0123 puzzle.com Student klghg2
0456 puzzle.com Staff ykszd9
0123 create.com Staff dbega0
0456 puzzle.com Staff oghjr6
0123 puzzle.com Student tiyud0
0123 create.com Staff sdgxc0"
| multikv forceheader=1
| table centreid domain groupid userid
| stats dc(eval(if(groupid="Staff",userid,null()))) as Staff dc(eval(if(groupid="Student",userid,null()))) as Student by centreid domain
All the code up to the table command is to recreate your data.
It's using the eval statement within the stats dc command to calculate what you need