Hi there,
I want to avoid to copy via scp files on my cloudsearch for using them in lookups.
Is it possible to create lookup files by using API or some other webservices?
Thanks in advance
You have two options as I see it.
You either have to fetch the data for lookup from outside of Splunk using something like SCP + some parsting or call a python program to look the data up in real time.
You need to consider the performance impact. You could always implement some kind of caching strategy with your python program if the data is rather static.
Here's an example props and transform
LOOKUP-bucket_lookup=lookup_buckets narrative account OUTPUT bucket
external_type = python external_cmd = bucket_lookup.py fields_list = narrative,account,bucket
If you are planning to call a SOAP web service from Python I'd suggest you use SUDS.
You have two options as I see it.
You either have to fetch the data for lookup from outside of Splunk using something like SCP + some parsting or call a python program to look the data up in real time.
You need to consider the performance impact. You could always implement some kind of caching strategy with your python program if the data is rather static.
Here's an example props and transform
LOOKUP-bucket_lookup=lookup_buckets narrative account OUTPUT bucket
external_type = python external_cmd = bucket_lookup.py fields_list = narrative,account,bucket
If you are planning to call a SOAP web service from Python I'd suggest you use SUDS.