I need to create a regex field extraction to deal with odd events where the same string exists multiple times before my end anchor after same begin anchors.
rough example:
<ExternalErrorDescription>A bunch of random stuff</ExternalErrorDescription><ExternalErrorDescription>more stuff</ExternalErrorDescription><ExternalErrorDescription>WHAT I WANT TO EXTRACT 
The text between the last <ExternalErrorDescription> and is what I want to extract. The problem is its always grabbing everything as it matches the first <ExternalErrorDescription> up to my end anchor. I can't figure out the syntax to match the last occurance of the beginning string anchor and end anchor.
This is what I have currently
Try this:
Try this:
unfortunately this is still matching everything after the first match of
I tested it on your data and it works; try again:
... | rex ".*ExternalErrorDescription>(?<ExternalErrorDescription>.*)\&\#xD;" | fields ExternalErrorDescription
Interesting, so that does work inline with the search, but I am trying to create a field extraction in settings for this, and it wont work when set the exact same way there. any ideas on how to make that work as a field extraction?
I got this working, for some reason I had to add a ? in my declaration. The below now works automatically in field extractions.
Don't forget to "Accept" the answer.