The logging that we do is not perfect hence need some help.
Log 1 (request) - {"date":"19-04-2018 21:40:11,221", "transactionId":"123", "className":"Class1", "methodName":"login", "elapsedTime":"2284896391"}
Log 2 (response)- {"date":"19-04-2018 21:40:11,253", "transactionId":"123", "className":"Class1", "methodName":"login", "elapsedTime":"2317835633"}
Log 1 is the request, Log 2 is the response. I want to find the duration of each login service request/ response. Transaction id is same in both cases so could be used as a unique value. Not sure what elapsedTime represents.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Like this:
Your Base Search | stats range(_time) AS duration BY transactionId
Like this:
Your Base Search | stats range(_time) AS duration BY transactionId
Thanks for the help
You might also like to add:
| eval duration=tostring(duration, "duration")
Try this:
| eval date=strptime(date,"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S,%3N")
| stats min(date) AS start, max(date) AS max_date BY transactionId
| eval duration=max_date-min_date
This created transactionId, start, and max_date. It doesn't show the duration though. This is helpful though, I will try to take it from here.
Try something like:
| transaction transactionId
it will create duration field.
Thanks, this helped