Hello I have the following search which produces statistics(746) in Splunk:
index=my_index sourcetype=my_st id=100 host!=10.* earliest=-1d@d
| stats values(repot) as repot dc(repot) as repost_count values(ip) as ip_address dc(ip) as ip_count by host
|table host ip_count ip_address repot_count repot
I am then using a lookup file to filter out unwanted hosts from the above search (which produces statitics(676) in Splunk.
| search
[ |inputlookup my_host_list
|table host ip_address ]
|dedup host
|table host ip_count ip_address repot_count repot
How would I determine the host names of the 70 missing hosts from the my_host_list lookup?
You're looking for hosts not in the lookup file so use the NOT keyword in the search.
| search NOT
[ |inputlookup my_host_list
|table host ip_address ]
|dedup host
|table host ip_count ip_address repot_count repot
Hi @jason_hotchkiss,
you could run something like this:
index=my_index sourcetype=my_st id=100 host!=10.* earliest=-1d@d
| stats
values(repot) as repot
dc(repot) as repost_count
values(ip) as ip_address
dc(ip) as ip_count
BY host
| append [ |inputlookup my_host_list
| eval count=0
| fields host ip_address count ]
| stats
values(repot) as repot
dc(repot) as repost_count
values(ip) as ip_address
dc(ip) as ip_count
sum(count) As total
BY host
| eval status=if(total=0,"missing","present"
| table host ip_count ip_address repot_count repot status
You're looking for hosts not in the lookup file so use the NOT keyword in the search.
| search NOT
[ |inputlookup my_host_list
|table host ip_address ]
|dedup host
|table host ip_count ip_address repot_count repot
@richgalloway - thank you. I think I have been staring at this screen too long....